
Islamist Politics in Iraq after Saddam Hussein (Arabic Edition)

Thursday, August 7, 2003

Summary Islamism, as a basic feature of Muslim and especially Arab politics, is destined to play a major role in the future of Iraqi politics. A huge moral and ideological vacuum has now emerged in Iraq, and Islam is tailor-made to provide a new moral compass to the people.


Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine

Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine

Friday, August 1, 2003

Even though the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is primarily a political dispute between two nations over a common homeland, it has religious aspects that need to be addressed in any effective peacemaking strategy. The peace agenda cannot be the monopoly of secular nationalist leaders, for such an approach guarantees that fervent religious believers on all sides will feel excluded and threatened by the diplomatic process.

Type: Peaceworks

Boundary Disputes in Latin America

Boundary Disputes in Latin America

Friday, August 1, 2003

Since the start of 2000, five Latin American boundary disputes between neighboring states have resulted in the use of force, and two others in its deployment. These incidents involved ten of the nineteen independent countries of South and Central America.

Type: Peaceworks

Democratic Constitution Making

Democratic Constitution Making

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Summary We live in an era of constitution making. Writing a constitution is part of many peace processes. New nations and radically new regimes that seek democratic credentials make writing a constitution a priority. In a changing world, constitutional practice is also changing. Twenty-first century constitutionalism is redefining the long tradition of expert constitution making and bringing it into the sphere of democratic participation.

Type: Special Report