The Quest for Democratic Security: The Role of the Council of Europe and U.S. Foreign Policy

The Quest for Democratic Security: The Role of the Council of Europe and U.S. Foreign Policy

Friday, January 1, 1999

The role of non-military organizations in the European security architecture has been greatly enhanced in the post–Cold War era. Although NATO can protect its members through the force of arms, security involves much more than military might—it has crucial social, political, and economic components that are of heightened relevance in today's world.

Type: Peaceworks

NATO Transformed

NATO Transformed

Friday, January 1, 1999

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, perhaps more than any other Cold War institution, embodied the West’s determination to deter potential Soviet aggression in Europe. But nearly a decade after the collapse of the Soviet empire, the Atlantic Alliance is engaged in cooperative security endeavors with former adversaries throughout Europe, including peacekeeping operations in Bosnia.  

Type: Book

Bosnia Report Card: Pass, Fail, or Incomplete?

Bosnia Report Card: Pass, Fail, or Incomplete?

Friday, December 11, 1998

Throughout 1998 the United States Institute of Peace hosted a series of meetings of its Balkans Working Group to evaluate the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords.

Type: Special Report

Nagorno-Karabakh: Searching for a Solution

Nagorno-Karabakh: Searching for a Solution

Tuesday, December 1, 1998

Although it has long since fallen out of the headlines, the conflict over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh appears no closer to resolution than when the worst of the fighting ended six years ago. Hotly disputed between Armenians and Azeris, this tiny, barren area in the southern Caucasus region of the former Soviet Union has been the scene of some bitter fighting; though the military clashes have largely ceased, the political battles are as high-pitched as ever.

Type: Peaceworks

Culture and Conflict Resolution

Culture and Conflict Resolution

Monday, November 23, 1998

After years of relative neglect, culture is finally receiving due recognition as a key factor in the evolution and resolution of conflicts. Unfortunately, however, when theorists and practitioners of conflict resolution speak of “culture,” they often understand and use it in a bewildering and unhelpful variety of ways.

Type: Book

Peace Agreements: Guatemala

Friday, November 20, 1998

Acuerdo sobre Cronograma para la Implementación, Cumplimiento y Verificatión, de los Acuerdos in Spanish (12-29-1996) Posted by USIP Library on: November 20, 1998 Source Name: Defense Attaché, Embassy of Guatemala, Washington, D.C. Source URL: Date Downloaded: November 16, 1998 Acuerdo de Paz Firme y Duradera in Spanish (12-29-1996) Posted by USIP Library on: November 20, 1998 ...

Type: Report

Peace Agreements: Guinea-Bissau

Monday, November 16, 1998

Agreement Between the Government of Guinea Bissau and the Self-Proclaimed Military Junta (11-01-1998) Posted by USIP Library on: November 16, 1998 Source Name: Embassy of Guinea-Bissau, Washington, D.C. Date faxed: November 6, 1998

Type: Report

Peace Agreements: Northern Ireland

Monday, November 9, 1998

The Northern Ireland Peace Agreement: The Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations (04-10-1998) Posted by USIP Library on: July 9, 1998 Source Name: Department of the Taoiseach, Irish Government Source URL: Date Downloaded: July 2, 1998

Type: Report

The Taliban and Afghanistan: Implications for Regional Security and Options for International Action

The Taliban and Afghanistan: Implications for Regional Security and Options for International Action

Sunday, November 1, 1998

The United States Institute of Peace and the Middle East Institute cosponsored a Current Issues Briefing to explore the regional and security ramifications of the Taliban movement's consolidation of power in Afghanistan. After twenty years of war that has ravaged Afghanistan, peace remains elusive, and leaders in adjacent countries and the international community face a dearth of options. In addition to persistent and credible reports of abysmal human rights violations in Afghanistan, the cou...

Type: Special Report


Mistrust and the Korean Peninsula: Dangers of Miscalculation

Mistrust and the Korean Peninsula: Dangers of Miscalculation

Friday, October 30, 1998

An unwillingness to challenge North Korea now with a more concerted diplomatic and deterrence policy, lest it precipitate a repeat of the 1994 crisis, risks being confronted later by a qualitatively different North Korean military threat. There is a significant danger of miscalculation: while previous North Korean induced crises have strengthened Pyongyang's negotiating leverage in general and perhaps the Korean People's Army's strong hold on power in particular, there is a serious risk that ...

Type: Special Report