China and the Responsibility to Protect: From Opposition to Advocacy

China and the Responsibility to Protect: From Opposition to Advocacy

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Initially opposed to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), China has become a consistent advocate of the principle, endorsing its application in multiple countries while urging a constrained, multilateral approach to the use of force. This brief examines the trajectory and significance of China’s support for R2P. Given the country’s rising role in shaping the rules of global governance, continuing to gain its buy-in will be crucial in achieving the principle’s mandate.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & PreventionHuman Rights

Humanitarian Aid: ‘Radical Change’ After Istanbul?

Humanitarian Aid: ‘Radical Change’ After Istanbul?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The two-day World Humanitarian Summit held recently in Istanbul drew criticism for the absence of top global leaders, but it actually broke ground in several ways, experts said in a discussion hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace and Oxfam America. The summit spotlighted the need for “radical change” in a relief system built for the era after World War II rather than today’s small wars, insurgencies and fragmenting states that have unleashed the second-biggest flood of displaced people in hi...

Type: Analysis

Human RightsEnvironmentFragility & ResilienceEconomics

Supporting Civil Society to Combat Violent Extremism in Pakistan

Supporting Civil Society to Combat Violent Extremism in Pakistan

Monday, June 6, 2016

In the past few years, there has been an increase in funding for civil society organizations for the goal of countering violent extremism (CVE). While donors are investing large sums for CVE efforts, in Pakistan, local organizations often lack the technical capacity to understand the nature of violent extremism as well as how to utilize such large amounts of money. This brief discusses the challenges to implementing CVE programs and provides recommendations for how stakeholders can overcome t...

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismGlobal PolicyDemocracy & Governance

Episode 35 - Kerri Kennedy

Episode 35 - Kerri Kennedy

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We speak with Kerri Kennedy, Associate General Secretary for International Programs at the American Friends Service Committee. Kerri has 18 years of experience managing international development and e

Type: Podcast

Lindborg Calls Humanitarian Summit a 'Wake-Up Call'

Lindborg Calls Humanitarian Summit a 'Wake-Up Call'

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit, held this week in Istanbul, should spur political leaders around the globe to recognize that “the world is on fire,” USIP President Nancy Lindborg said. The international community is failing to muster the political will to end the violent conflicts that have ignited the globe’s most dire humanitarian crisis since World War II, she said in interviews at the conference.

Type: Analysis

Fragility & ResilienceHuman Rights

State Strengthening in Afghanistan

State Strengthening in Afghanistan

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Since 2001, Afghanistan’s political and social landscape has changed dramatically. However, international state-strengthening interventions have arguably had mixed results. Unprecedented aid and assistance has helped the country transition to a nascent democracy, attain a greater level of security, rebuild some of its infrastructure, and open more space for civil society participation. 

Type: Peaceworks

Democracy & Governance

For a Victory Amid Crisis, Offer Consistent, Smart Help to Tunisia

For a Victory Amid Crisis, Offer Consistent, Smart Help to Tunisia

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

As the United States and the international community grapple with interlocking crises in the Middle East and nearby parts of Africa and Asia, we must reserve a special priority for helping Tunisia achieve a strategic victory. Its success could model for the region how to build stability and prosperity through inclusive governance and nonviolence.

Type: Analysis

Violent ExtremismEnvironmentGlobal PolicyFragility & ResilienceEconomics