Brussels Attacks Highlight Connection to Regional Arcs of Crisis

Brussels Attacks Highlight Connection to Regional Arcs of Crisis

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My sympathy goes out to the survivors and families of those who died in the terrible attacks in a string of bombings over this last week -- from Brussels to Baghdad to Lahore. I was in Brussels on a business trip and was preparing to leave my hotel to catch a flight back to Washington when we got word of the explosions at the airport and the metro station there. The terror that was palpable last week in Brussels is sadly all too common in those five countries that top the list for violent extremist incidents and fatalities: Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Syria. And, we are increasingly seeing the outward ripples.

Type: Analysis

Violent ExtremismFragility & Resilience

Africa Peacekeeping: Lessons from a Ghanaian Commander

Africa Peacekeeping: Lessons from a Ghanaian Commander

Monday, March 28, 2016

For peacekeeping forces in Africa, the days of simply patrolling a ceasefire line or keeping local armies apart are over. Their assignments today increasingly include protecting civilians, confronting violent extremism and even engaging in what amounts to counter insurgency. These new burdens demand better preparation of troops headed for missions and clearer thinking by those who send them, Ghanaian Army Colonel Emanuel Kotia, a leading trainer of African peacekeepers, said at a U.S. Institute of Peace forum.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionJustice, Security & Rule of LawEducation & TrainingHuman RightsGlobal PolicyFragility & Resilience

Prioritizing Security Sector Reform

Prioritizing Security Sector Reform

Monday, March 21, 2016

Prioritizing Security Sector Reform: A New U.S. Approach argues that security sector reform (SSR) should be at the core of a new U.S. policy to strengthen the security sector capacity of countries where U.S. interests are at stake. As the United States withdraws from a more interventionist policy, it cannot wholly ignore the growing disorder in fragile environments around the globe. In place of large, boots-on-the-ground interventions relying on expensive train and equip programs with only fl...

Type: Book

Justice, Security & Rule of Law

Women and Peace: A Special Role in Violent Conflict

Women and Peace: A Special Role in Violent Conflict

Friday, March 18, 2016

In Liberia, women, excluded from talks to end the country’s civil war, besieged negotiators until they signed a deal. In Guatemala, where insurgents and the government each had a female delegate in talks, pressure from women put indigenous, gender and labor rights into an accord. In Northern Ireland, women placed the needs of victims and political prisoners on the agenda after winning a role in peace negotiations. Wherever there’s an effort to settle violent conflict, women’s involvement impr...

Conflict Analysis & PreventionViolent ExtremismGenderPeace Processes

International Election Fraud Alerts May Spark Violence

International Election Fraud Alerts May Spark Violence

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Condemnations of election fraud by international monitors have become staples of global efforts to advance democratic practices and honor the will of a country’s citizens. But what if these denunciations actually make things worse? That was the finding from three years of research conducted by the winner of the U.S. Institute of Peace’s first Peace Dissertation Prize, Inken von Borzyskowski.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal Elections & ConflictDemocracy & Governance

Laura Bush Urges Sustained Support for Afghan Women

Laura Bush Urges Sustained Support for Afghan Women

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Former first lady Laura Bush said the international community must continue to support the reconstruction of Afghanistan and progress for the country’s women through aid, investment and an ongoing presence of American troops. Speaking at the U.S. Institute of Peace on March 15, Bush said she remains hopeful for the country’s future, in part because of the spirit of Afghan women and the strides they have made in education, business and government.

Type: Analysis

GenderDemocracy & GovernanceEnvironmentGlobal PolicyHuman RightsEconomics

Group Leader in Nobel-Winning Quartet: Tunisia Needs Education Review for Jobs

Group Leader in Nobel-Winning Quartet: Tunisia Needs Education Review for Jobs

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The president of one of the four civil society organizations in the Nobel Prize-winning Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet said her country will need to make changes in its education system to reduce unemployment and adapt to an evolving economy. In a videotaped interview during a visit to USIP, Ouided Bouchamaoui talked about some of the many issues facing Tunisia during its still-precarious transition and about the status of women in society and the economy.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionViolent ExtremismEnvironmentEducation & TrainingGenderMediation, Negotiation & DialogueEconomics