Weak Ugandan Democracy, Strong Regional Influence

Weak Ugandan Democracy, Strong Regional Influence

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s reputation is weakened by his unwillingness to leave office: he was elected for a fifth term of office in February 2016 in an election that drew international criticism. This report, a joint publication of USIP and the Institute for Security Studies, explores key elements of Uganda’s domestic politics and foreign policy as well as the impact they have in the region and internationally.

Type: Peaceworks

Democracy & Governance

Understanding and Extending the Marrakesh Declaration in Policy and Practice

Understanding and Extending the Marrakesh Declaration in Policy and Practice

Friday, September 30, 2016

In January 2016, the Marrakesh Declaration was issued by Muslim scholars and politicians as a concerted response to the persecution of and violence against minorities in Muslin-majority countries. This report, published with the Cambridge Institute on Religion and International Studies, provides background on the Marrakesh Declaration and recommendations to those from both Muslim and non-Muslim majority contexts to ensure the Declaration’s implementation and legitimacy.

Type: Special Report

ReligionDemocracy & Governance

Episode 40 - Marc Sommers

Episode 40 - Marc Sommers

Thursday, September 29, 2016

In this episode of the Peace Frequency we continue our series focused on the #YouthPeaceEquality 60 Days of Engagement. Our guest is Marc Sommers, who is an internationally recognized youth, conflict, development, gender, and education expert, an experienced evaluator, and an award-winning author. He has conducted research, assessments and evaluations, and provided technical advice, in 21 war-affected countries (15 in Africa) since 1990. His most recent book is entitled, The Outcast Majority: War, Development, and Youth in Africa.

Type: Podcast

Peace Processes

Peres, in Pursuit of Peace, Advanced Power of the People

Peres, in Pursuit of Peace, Advanced Power of the People

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Shimon Peres served twice as Prime Minister of Israel and most recently as President. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, along with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, for securing the Oslo peace accords, and he never stopped believing in the agreement’s principals and main contours for a two-state solution.  

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionReligionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Fragility and Security Sector Reform

Fragility and Security Sector Reform

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Fragility Study Group is an independent, non-partisan, effort of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for a New American Security and the United States Institute of Peace. The chair report of the study group, U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, was released on September 12. This brief is part of a series authored by scholars from the three institutions that build on the chair report to discuss the implications of fragility on existing U.S. tools, st...

Type: Report

Fragility & ResilienceJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Adopting a Movement Mindset to Address the Challenge of Fragility

Adopting a Movement Mindset to Address the Challenge of Fragility

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Fragility Study Group is an independent, non-partisan, effort of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for a New American Security and the United States Institute of Peace. The chair report of the study group, U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, was released on September 12. This brief is part of a series authored by scholars from the three institutions that build on the chair report to discuss the implications of fragility on existing U.S. tools, st...

Type: Report

Fragility & ResilienceNonviolent Action

Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in War and Peace

Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in War and Peace

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) can undermine long-term state stability and security even after states have transitioned out of violent conflict. This brief highlights four areas around SGBV that require urgent attention: the conflict cycle, moving beyond armed actors, protectors as perpetrators, and the role of SGBV in threatening political participation. This Brief was prepared by several members of the Missing Peace Young Scholars Network, supported through a longtime partnership b...

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismGenderHuman Rights

Colombia’s Peace Accord on the Missing (Spanish)

Colombia’s Peace Accord on the Missing (Spanish)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Las desapariciones forzadas son un legado de medio siglo de conflicto armado interno en Colombia.  Afectan a sectores pobres en el campo y en los centros urbanos, trabajadores, campesinos y campesinas, periodistas, defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, políticos de la oposición y lideres y lideresas afro-colombianos e indígenas.  Además, miembros de las fuerzas públicas y de la guerrilla han desaparecido en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano.  Este informe analiza un acuer...

Type: Peace Brief

Mediation, Negotiation & DialoguePeace Processes

The Islamic State In Pakistan

The Islamic State In Pakistan

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Islamic State, or Daesh, has moved its influence beyond Iraq and Syria, formally establishing its Khorasan branch in Central Asia in January 2015. This brief explores Daesh in Pakistan, how its ideology can influence both existing and potential militants, and what a comprehensive response from the Pakistani government would involve.

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismReligionDemocracy & Governance

Corruption and State Fragility

Corruption and State Fragility

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Fragility Study Group is an independent, non-partisan, effort of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for a New American Security and the United States Institute of Peace. The chair report of the study group, U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, was released on September 12. This brief is part of a series authored by scholars from the three institutions that build on the chair report to discuss the implications of fragility on existing U.S. tools, st...

Type: Report

Justice, Security & Rule of LawFragility & ResilienceEnvironmentEconomics