China’s Approach to International Terrorism

China’s Approach to International Terrorism

Monday, October 2, 2017

As China’s role in global political and economic affairs has expanded, so has its exposure to international and domestic terrorism. At the same time, it is constrained in its response by two long-held principles—nonintervention and noninterference. This Peace Brief discusses the threats to China, its response, and how these might affect its participation in global counterterrorism efforts.

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismEnvironmentGlobal PolicyEconomics

Does Reconciliation Prevent Future Atrocities?

Does Reconciliation Prevent Future Atrocities?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What are atrocity crimes, why and when do they arise, and how can peacebuilding practice help to prevent them? This report delves into the conceptual foundations of reconciliation and atrocity prevention in the context of Sri Lanka’s history of conflict and ongoing reconciliation process, analyzing institutional-level reconciliation efforts and drawing from a randomized field experiment in an interpersonal reconciliation program. It suggests that by understanding the conditions under which reconciliation is most effective, peacebuilding practice will be better placed to achieve its goals after violent conflict.

Type: Peaceworks

ReconciliationConflict Analysis & Prevention

Reviving Commercial Development of Afghanistan’s Aynak Copper Resource

Reviving Commercial Development of Afghanistan’s Aynak Copper Resource

Thursday, September 21, 2017

While other, smaller mineral resources are being rampantly looted, Afghanistan’s large Aynak copper deposit—worth upward $50 billion—has languished unexploited despite being contracted to a Chinese consortium nearly a decade ago. This Peace Brief seeks to understand what went wrong and explores options for breaking out of the current impasse. Resuscitating the development of Aynak, though challenging, would send a powerful signal of beneficial exploitation of Afghanistan’s mineral resources.

Type: Peace Brief

EnvironmentDemocracy & GovernanceEconomics

China’s Soft Power in Africa or Real Corporate Accountability?

China’s Soft Power in Africa or Real Corporate Accountability?

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

China is the fourth largest foreign investor in Africa—more than three thousand Chinese firms operate there. An important but often overlooked aspect of this investment is the emergence of Beijing’s evolving corporate social responsibility policies and how they are applied, especially in Africa, which is what this Peace Brief explores.

Type: Peace Brief

EnvironmentGlobal PolicyEconomics