
Peace Economics: Questions and Answers

"Peace Economics" authors Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne discuss their recent book on economic principles in violence-afflicted states.   1. What is peace economics? Peace economics is the branch of economics that studies the design of societies’ political, economic, and cultural institutions and their interacting policies and actions to prevent, mitigate, or resolve any type of latent or actual violent conflict within and between societies. 2. What topics are covered in the volu...

Type: Analysis

Praise for "Peace Economics"

Praise for Peace Economics   “The effect of violence on economic progress is very strong, yet it has not received appropriate attention. Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne have performed a great service by combining general economic perspectives with case studies to survey economic growth in its broadest aspects, in particular stressing the role of internal and external conflict.” —Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel Laureate and Joan Kenney Professor of Economics and professor of operations research, St...

'Day After' Members Discuss Post-Assad Syria Transition at USIP

'Day After' Members Discuss Post-Assad Syria Transition at USIP

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Several Syrian opposition activists engaged in a project known as “The Day After” appeared at the USIP on October 4 to discuss the challenges of achieving a post-Assad democratic transition amid intensifying violence, militarization of the revolution, sectarian tensions and repression by the Syrian regime.

Type: Analysis

Event at USIP Looks at New Media in the Syria Crisis

Event at USIP Looks at New Media in the Syria Crisis

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), along with George Washington University, hosted an event on October 2 examining the role of new media in the ongoing Syrian crisis. “Groundtruth: New Media, Technology and the Syrian Crisis” featured activists using social media in their efforts to end Bashar al-Assad’s regime, as well as mainstream journalists reporting on the crisis and policy analysts.

Type: Analysis

Facilitating Dialogue

Facilitating Dialogue

Monday, October 1, 2012

Facilitating Dialogue presents seven case studies of the United States Institute of Peace’s facilitated dialogue efforts in Iraq, Kosovo, Israel/Palestine, Colombia, Nigeria, and Nepal. Covering a variety of conflict situations and peacemaking efforts—from the tribal reconciliation in Mahmoudiya, Iraq, to a justice and security dialogue in Nepal—the cases tell stories of peacebuilding successes, efforts in progress, limitations on what can be achieved, and lessons learned.

Type: Book

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

The Politics of Security Sector Reform in Egypt

The Politics of Security Sector Reform in Egypt

Monday, October 1, 2012

By building a strong coalition around the need to reform Egypt’s military and interior ministry, Egypt’s political groups can move toward the critical goal of subordinating its military and security establishment to civilian authority.

Type: Special Report

Using Entrepreneurship to Promote Stability in Fragile Regions

Using Entrepreneurship to Promote Stability in Fragile Regions

Friday, September 28, 2012

USIP’s Center for Sustainable Economies hosted a series of blogs on entrepreneurship in conflict-affected states on the International Network for Economics and Conflict from March to July 2012. This Peace Brief synthesizes the main conclusions and pertinent lessons for policymakers and practitioners.

Type: Peace Brief
