Fighting Corruption in Security Sector Reform

Fighting Corruption in Security Sector Reform

Friday, May 21, 2010

Corruption in the security sector damages society’s trust in the government. Donors must coordinate on anti-corruption programs and make sure not to engage in corruption themselves.

Type: Peace Brief

Lebanon‘s Evolving Relationship with Syria

Lebanon‘s Evolving Relationship with Syria

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lebanon’s outreach to Syria is motivated by significant shifts in the regional political landscape, particularly Syria’s renewed regional and global influence. Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri appears to have made a strategic decision that rapprochement with Syria is in Lebanon’s best interest, offering the greatest chance for stability and resolution of a number of outstanding bilateral issues including greater guarantees for Lebanese sovereignty.

Type: Peace Brief

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (Kurdish Edition)

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (Kurdish Edition)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kurdish Version - Iraq’s March 2010 elections delivered a surprising virtual tie in the ethnically mixed and strategically important province of Kirkuk, making it an opportune time for fresh thinking on how to address persistent disputes over its status. The focus thus far has been on a winner-take-all permanent resolution to the status of Kirkuk. It may be more productive to consider models which give local authorities a direct role in designing potential compromises on the province, clarify...

Type: Peace Brief

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (English, Arabic, and Kurdish)

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (English, Arabic, and Kurdish)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

English Version - Iraq’s March 2010 elections delivered a surprising virtual tie in the ethnically mixed and strategically important province of Kirkuk, making it an opportune time for fresh thinking on how to address persistent disputes over its status. The focus thus far has been on a winner-take-all permanent resolution to the status of Kirkuk. It may be more productive to consider models which give local authorities a direct role in designing potential compromises on the province, clarify...

Type: Peace Brief

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (Arabic Version)

Finding Common Ground: Kirkuk as a Special Governorate (Arabic Version)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arabic Version - Iraq’s March 2010 elections delivered a surprising virtual tie in the ethnically mixed and strategically important province of Kirkuk, making it an opportune time for fresh thinking on how to address persistent disputes over its status. The focus thus far has been on a winner-take-all permanent resolution to the status of Kirkuk. It may be more productive to consider models which give local authorities a direct role in designing potential compromises on the province, clarify ...

Type: Peace Brief

The Afghan Peace Jirga: Ensuring that Women are at the Peace Table

The Afghan Peace Jirga: Ensuring that Women are at the Peace Table

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In late May 2010, the Afghan government will convene a Peace Jirga in Kabul to determine a national reintegration and reconciliation strategy. Afghan women have played a variety of social and political roles during the last three decades of conflict, including as peacebuilders, but now risk being excluded from current peacebuilding processes.

Type: Peace Brief


The Road to Successful Transition in Afghanistan: From Here to the December 2010 Review

The Road to Successful Transition in Afghanistan: From Here to the December 2010 Review

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The next seven months leading up to the December policy review will be crucial for Afghanistan’s future; at that time the Obama administration—and the citizens of Afghanistan, the United States and ISAF nations—will make a judgment about progress towards stability there. Afghans and Americans need to set a course for success, and reach an agreement of what realistic, achievable progress means, and how to accomplish it.

Type: Peace Brief