What Iraq Needs from the Obama Administration: Recommendations from Iraqis Resident in the U.S.

What Iraq Needs from the Obama Administration: Recommendations from Iraqis Resident in the U.S.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Iraq has experienced a notable reduction in violence in the past year, and the Iraqi panelists asserted the need for a continued presence of multinational forces to maintain this progress. However, as Almusawi specified, Iraqis insist that any agreement regarding the presence of foreign troops should not compromise the country's sovereignty. The terms of the agreement must be clear, in Iraq's interests and approved by the Iraqi people.

Type: Peace Brief

In the Field: Colombia

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Religion and Peacemaking program at USIP visited Colombia in November 2008 to support a joint-initiative of the Conferencia de Religiosos y Religiosas de Colombia, the organizing body of Catholic men’s and women’s religious orders, and Justapaz, a Menonite organization, to convene a four-day workshop outside of Bogota for Catholic and Protestant women peacemakers. This workshop provided an opportunity for women doing peace work on the ground through their churches to share best practices,...


Consolidating Disarmament: Lessons from Colombia’s Reintegration Program for Demobilized Paramilitaries

Consolidating Disarmament: Lessons from Colombia’s Reintegration Program for Demobilized Paramilitaries

Saturday, November 1, 2008

An essential component of any post-conflict stabilization program is the permanent dismantlement of armed groups and their fruitful absorption into civilian society—this process is known as disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration. Although Colombia continues to wrestle with violent conflict at the hands of multiple armed factions, the country embarked on a major DDR program in 2003 with the goal of permanently ending the threat of violence from one of those armed factions—the United Se...

Type: Special Report

Global Policy

Identity, Diveristy, and Constitutionalism in Africa

Identity, Diveristy, and Constitutionalism in Africa

Saturday, November 1, 2008

In this innovative and stimulating volume, Francis Deng outlines a new relationship between governments and societies—a relationship informed by Western concepts but based on traditional African values such as respect for human dignity, equality, and self-rule.

Type: Book

The Next Chapter: The United States and Pakistan

Thursday, October 2, 2008

On October 2, 2008, the USIP-cosponsored Pakistan Policy Working Group released a report with recommendations to the next administration as it develops its strategic options relating to Pakistan. The recommendations are endorsed by Richard L. Armitage, former deputy secretary of state and Lee Hamilton, former U.S. representative and co-chair of the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group.  

Model Codes for Post-Conflict Criminal Justice

Model Codes for Post-Conflict Criminal Justice

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Volume II of Model Codes for Post-Conflict Criminal Justice continues the path-breaking work of volume I, providing an indispensable resource for those striving to reestablish the rule of law in societies recently wracked by violent conflict.

Type: Book

Iraq’s Cultural Heritage: Preserving the Past for the Sake of the Future

Iraq’s Cultural Heritage: Preserving the Past for the Sake of the Future

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The looting of Iraq’s museums and archaeological sites is an overlooked consequence of the 2003 invasion. The loss of such precious history would be tragic for any nation or culture. As Iraqis struggle to redefine a sense of nationhood after five years of war, they will need to draw on that common heritage to reconstruct their communities.

Type: Peace Brief

Media, Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Mapping the Edges

Media, Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Mapping the Edges

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There is growing recognition among policymakers and conflict management experts that the media should be a building block of any comprehensive peacebuilding strategy. Yet there are scant guidelines in this regard. Projects are still planned and implemented in a relatively ad-hoc manner, with minimal reference to lessons learned from previous initiatives. This USIP Peacebriefing examines the field.

Type: Peace Brief

The Treasury Approach to State-Building and Institution-Strengthening Assistance: Experience in Iraq and Broader Implications

The Treasury Approach to State-Building and Institution-Strengthening Assistance: Experience in Iraq and Broader Implications

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Drawing on a series of consultations convened by USIP's Center for Sustainable Economies, author Jeremiah S. Pam focuses on the role of the U.S. Treasury Department in finance-related state-building and institution-strenthening. Specifically, the report identifies key dynamics in the field and discusses aiding local institutions, providing technical assistance, improving interagency coordination and enabling local champions for such efforts.

Type: Special Report
