
Praise for Suicide Bombers in Iraq

"It is hard to think of a more compelling issue in the international arena today than the question of who exactly is carrying out the suicide attacks in Iraq that have done so much to turn the co

Praise for How We Missed the Story

  "Roy Gutman, a tireless reporter, has written a deeply researched and fascinating account of the various U.S. foreign policy failures that helped account for the rise of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan before the 9/11 attacks. Gutman also explains how so many institutions in the United States, from the media to the national security establishment, largely missed what would turn out to be one of the most important stories of our time."

How We Missed the Story: Questions and Answers

  1. Two successive U.S. administrations were unable to head off the assault of 9/11. What went wrong? Democrats and Republicans walked away from Afghanistan as a place of American concern after the fall of the Soviet installed regime.

Type: Analysis

Praise for Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace

"This rigorous, non-partisan, no-holds-barred analysis of the most recent twenty years of U.S. effort in Middle East peacemaking is essential reading for practitioners and scholars. The operation

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: Questions and Answers

    1. What were the motivating factors for publishing this book?   Since the end of the Cold War—when the strategic environment seemed so promising for Mideast peace—failures in U.S. diplomacy have far outweighed successes. Understanding why our track record has been so poor, and applying those lessons for future negotiators, were the twin motivating factors behind this project. The existing memoirs and insider accounts are incomplete. Moreover, none of the numerous analytical wo...

Type: Analysis

Managing Political Transitions in Africa

Political transitions have often served as triggers of violence. This initiative aims to increase the capacity of key stakeholders to identify these triggers during political transitions, to build positive relationships among civil society, policymakers, and regional and international organizations, and to contribute to the academic and policy literature on peaceful political transitions in Africa.  

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Research Centers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

 A list of links to web sites for Research Centers in International Relations

Type: Article

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This book explores the formidable potential of interfaith dialogue. The contributors draw on their extensive experience in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Northern Ireland, and the Balkans. The conclusion includes a checklist for effective interfaith dialogue.

Type: Book

Conversations Among the Abrahamic Faiths Related to Conflict and Nonviolence

Conversations Among the Abrahamic Faiths Related to Conflict and Nonviolence

Thursday, April 16, 2009

USIP periodically brings together Christian, Jewish, and Muslim theologians and activists to explore theological perspectives on global conflict (including discussion of the just war doctrine), and to debate the role of nonviolence in peacemaking and conflict resolution. Two important books have resulted.

Type: Book