Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures

Religious Extremism and Governance in South Asia: Internal and External Pressures

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are all grappling with intense ethnic and religious tensions that demand careful social accommodation and good governance. At the same time, ethnic and religious factions throughout South Asia have been tempted to take advantage of recent events in Iraq and elsewhere to stoke latent ethnic and religious tensions for their own political gain.

Type: Peace Brief

Chechnya Web Links

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on Chechnya, a republic in the Russian Federation. For related web links, see Regional Resources: Europe and Terrorism/Counterterrorism. General Resources Government Agencies, Non-Governmental and International Organizations Human Rights and Refugees Maps and Guides Media and News Sources Political Resources Selected Documents and Statements These links complement the conflict-...

Type: Article

United States and Coercive Diplomacy

United States and Coercive Diplomacy

Sunday, June 1, 2003

With increasing frequency, U.S. leaders look to achieve their foreign policy goals by marrying diplomacy to military muscle. Since the end of the Cold War, "coercive diplomacy"—the effort to change the behavior of a target state or group through the threat or limited use of military force—has been used in no fewer than eight cases.

Type: Book

Getting It Done

Getting It Done

Sunday, June 1, 2003

As its title suggests, Getting It Done explores how international regimes accomplish their goals—goals that constantly shift as problems change and the power of member-states shifts. 

Type: Book

The Military and the Making of Foreign Policy

The Military and the Making of Foreign Policy

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. military has been given a challenging array of new assignments, including post-conflict peacekeeping operations and the mission of defeating international terrorism. Has America grown too dependent on the military to manage foreign affairs?

Type: Peace Brief

Religious Politics in Iraq

Religious Politics in Iraq

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Will the numerically dominant Shiite majority be open to full political collaboration with the Sunni and Christian minorities? Or will the Shiites seek opportunities for dominance?

Type: Peace Brief

A Comprehensive Resolution of the Korean War

A Comprehensive Resolution of the Korean War

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Summary Although the Korean War Armistice Agreement stopped the fighting in 1953, it has yet to be replaced by a permanent settlement. A U.S. initiative to convene, under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council, a four-party conference to craft a political settlement of the Korean conflict, in return for the verified dismantling of North Korea's nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, would: Meet the U.S. requirement for a multilateral solution to the nuc...

Type: Special Report