Burundi on the Brink, 1993-95

Burundi on the Brink, 1993-95

Saturday, April 1, 2000

Ambassador Ould-Abdallah arrived in Burundi with a mandate from the United Nations to rescue the country's fledgling democracy and bring together political and ethnic rivals. His original mandate was for three months; he stayed two years.

Type: Book

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Peace Agreements: Macedonia-Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Thursday, March 30, 2000

Agreement on the Regulation of Relations and Promotion of Cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (04-08-1996) Posted by USIP Library on: March 30, 2000 Source Name: United Nations Information Centre, Washington, D.C. Source Document Number: U.N. Doc. No. S/1996/291 Date Digitized: March 10, 2000

Type: Report

Macedonia: Prevention Can Work

Macedonia: Prevention Can Work

Monday, March 27, 2000

This report focuses on recent developments in Macedonia, and seeks to identify the obstacles to and opportunities for continued democratization and greater ethnic harmony in a country that has--despite many difficulties--avoided the kind of violent conflict seen elsewhere in the Balkans during the past decade.

Type: Special Report

Peace Agreements: Cambodia

Tuesday, February 22, 2000

Final Act of the Paris Conference on Cambodia (10-23-1991) Posted by USIP Library on: February 22, 2000 Source Name: United Nations, Department of Public Information, Agreements on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict: Paris, 23 October 1991, January 1992, 1-6. Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict (10-23-1991) Posted by USIP Library on: February 22, 2000 Source Name: United Nations, Department of Public Information, Agreeme...

Type: Report

Peace Agreements: Sudan-Uganda

Monday, February 14, 2000

Agreement between the Governments of Sudan and Uganda (12-08-1999) Posted by USIP Library on: February 14 2000 Source Name: The Carter Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Date faxed: December 15 1999

Type: Report

Peace Agreements: Croatia

Monday, February 14, 2000

Erdut Agreement (11-12-1995) Posted by USIP Library on: February 14, 2000 Source: The United States and Croatia: a documentary history, 1992-1997. (Printing by USIA Regional Program Office, Vienna) [1997?], 270-271.

Type: Report

The Enemy has a Face

The Enemy has a Face

Tuesday, February 1, 2000

A highly engaging and accessible account of peacemaking in action.

Type: Book

The Israeli-Syrian Peace Talks

The Israeli-Syrian Peace Talks

Saturday, January 1, 2000

Helena Cobban here provides a fascinating look at the painstaking negotiations between the two Middle East powers that thrice went to war in the past half-century, and the role that the United States played in trying to bring Israel and Syria closer together on crucial points.

Type: Book


Balkan Returns: An Overview of Refugee Returns and Minority Repatriation

Balkan Returns: An Overview of Refugee Returns and Minority Repatriation

Thursday, December 30, 1999

Summary In spite of the provisions spelled out in the peace agreements that concluded the Yugoslav wars, the number of minority returns throughout the former Yugoslavia is still low, indicating that there are considerable barriers to repatriation. The failure to draw refugees back to their towns and villages threatens the reconstruction of civic life, hinders the process of reconciliation and postpones the permanent conclusion of hostilities. The return of minorities is a regional m...

Type: Special Report

Three Dimensions of Peacebuilding in Bosnia: Findings from USIP-Sponsored Research and Field Projects

Three Dimensions of Peacebuilding in Bosnia: Findings from USIP-Sponsored Research and Field Projects

Wednesday, December 1, 1999

The purpose of this Peaceworks is to highlight some of the Institute-funded programs focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina and to share some of the lessons gleaned from policy-related research covering foreign aid, human rights and rule of law, and programs devoted to reconciliation and civil society institutions in Bosnia.

Type: Peaceworks