The Afghan Refugee Crisis in 2016

The Afghan Refugee Crisis in 2016

Monday, February 27, 2017

Hundreds of thousands of documented and undocumented refugees returned to Afghanistan in 2016, joining more than one million internally displaced within the country. International agencies warn of a humanitarian crisis that would affect hundreds of thousands of people as returnees struggle to meet basic needs. This Peace Brief provides an overview of the situation at the end of 2016, focusing on those returning from Pakistan, the humanitarian situation, and the security implications of the influx.

Type: Peace Brief

Fragility & ResilienceViolent ExtremismHuman Rights

Peace Education in Pakistan

Peace Education in Pakistan

Friday, March 3, 2017

Virtually every country in South Asia faces militancy and conflict to some extent. Pakistan has been especially prone. Peace education addresses the root causes of conflict and is thus a sustainable long-term solution in conflict resolution and prevention efforts. This report examines nine representative peace education initiatives in Pakistan to better understand what types of interventions were most effective, the differences and similarities between peace education programs and curricula in schools and madrassas, and what the peacebuilding field can draw from the selected case studies.

Type: Special Report

Education & TrainingConflict Analysis & PreventionReligion

Identity, Gender, and Conflict Drivers in Pakistan

Identity, Gender, and Conflict Drivers in Pakistan

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Based on a study conducted in the Pakistani town of Haripur that investigated children’s attitudes toward identity, this Peace Brief finds that identity-based divides are in fact not the primary drivers of conflict at the community level, but notes the continuing salience of gender identity, which produces differing social expectations and differing understandings of conflict resolution roles.

Type: Peace Brief

GenderConflict Analysis & Prevention

China and Myanmar’s Peace Process

China and Myanmar’s Peace Process

Thursday, March 9, 2017

For multiple historical, ethnic, geographic, political, and economic reasons, China has been and will remain an integral player in Myanmar’s internal peace process, particularly regarding the ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar. Informed by numerous interviews in both China and Myanmar, this Special Report examines China’s positions, policies, and role in that process.

Type: Special Report

Peace Processes

Libya’s Religious Sector and Peacebuilding Efforts

Libya’s Religious Sector and Peacebuilding Efforts

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Derived from two surveys conducted in Libya in 2014 and 2016, this report strives to heighten understanding of the country’s religious sector and its impact on governance and society. The findings—which are bolstered by the local knowledge of Libyan researchers—map the major religious trends, institutions, and actors in the country to describe how Libyans perceive the contribution of the religious sector to building peace and fostering justice and democracy.

Type: Peaceworks

ReligionDemocracy & GovernanceJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Episode 47 - Derek Caelin

Episode 47 - Derek Caelin

Friday, August 25, 2017

In this podcast, INPROL Director Lelia Mooney and Senior Program Assistant Chelsea Dreher discuss data collection technologies with Derek Caelin, Senior Specialist for Peace Tech Lab. Derek works on the Lab’s PeaceTech Exchange program, an initiative to connect peacebuilders in conflict zones to media, technology, and data for them help them achieve their objectives.

Type: Podcast

Episode 42 - Nadeem Ghazi

Episode 42 - Nadeem Ghazi

Thursday, November 3, 2016

We speak with Nadeem Ghazi, the Founder and Director of the World Learning Grammar School & Institute, which provides support to schools throughout Pakistan that have declared a commitment to crea

Type: Podcast

Episode 35 - Kerri Kennedy

Episode 35 - Kerri Kennedy

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We speak with Kerri Kennedy, Associate General Secretary for International Programs at the American Friends Service Committee. Kerri has 18 years of experience managing international development and e

Type: Podcast

Episode 31 - Erica Chenoweth

Episode 31 - Erica Chenoweth

Monday, June 22, 2015

We speak with Dr. Erica Chenoweth – Associate Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institu

Type: Podcast

Episode 28 - Princeton Lyman

Episode 28 - Princeton Lyman

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In this episode, we speak with Ambassador Princeton Lyman, a Senior Advisor at the U.S. Institute of Peace and U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan from March 2011-2013. Here, Ambassador Lyman

Type: Podcast