Britain, China & The Wider West

Britain, China & The Wider West

Sir Peter Westmacott, British Ambassador to the United States, gave the keynote address at the April 25, 2014 daylong conference entitled, “China’s Roles in the World.” The conference was co-hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Georgetown University Center for Strategic Studies.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Local Peace Processes in Sudan and South Sudan

Local Peace Processes in Sudan and South Sudan

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sudan and South Sudan have seen numerous local peacebuilding efforts in recent years, yet violence continues largely unabated. Using the Western Corridor as a case study, this report outlines the importance of understanding and improving local peace processes through an architecture that begins with conflict analysis, entails a common vision, and focuses on achieving specific objectives. Also essential to the success of the process is including the right people—those with authority, with know...

Type: Peaceworks

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

The Afghan National Police in 2015 and Beyond

The Afghan National Police in 2015 and Beyond

Thursday, May 15, 2014

As Afghanistan shifts from a war footing and coalition forces draw down, the Afghan National Police faces a daunting task. Not only must it shift from military-oriented security operations to true community policing, but it must also fill some considerable gaps in its capacity to manage itself as a civilian-led arm of a democratically elected government. Development is crucial, but for it to have any legitimacy, the impetus must come from the Afghans themselves. At this critical juncture, don...

Type: Special Report

The Constitutional Process in Ukraine

The Constitutional Process in Ukraine

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Ukrainian government should promote an inclusive, participatory and transparent constitutional process. Such a process could help de-escalate the current conflict and build confidence in the central government and its willingness to integrate all constituencies into Ukraine’s political system.

Type: Peace Brief

Sharia and Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Sharia and Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Women’s rights in Afghanistan have been supported and championed by Afghan and international advocates and organizations since 2002. Substantial progress has been made, but the women’s rights movement faces an uncertain future in the wake of the 2014 international troop withdrawals.

Type: Special Report


Revisiting Chicago

Revisiting Chicago

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The May 27 White House announcement on troop withdrawals from Afghanistan raises serious questions about the staying power of international security funding to support the size of the future Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), as agreed two years ago in Chicago. Concerns also exist about Afghanistan fulfilling its own commitment to fund its security forces. With the ANSF largely a U.S. creation, it would be irresponsible now to turn around and undermine it.

Type: Peace Brief

Why Do Youth Join Boko Haram?

Why Do Youth Join Boko Haram?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Boko Haram’s recent kidnapping of over two hundred schoolgirls in Nigeria has once again brought the group into the international spotlight, making more urgent the questions about how to curtail its activities and the activities of other armed groups that threaten the security of Nigeria and the region. Drawing on the results of a 2013 study in six northern Nigerian states, this report addresses the question of how youth are radicalized and recruited into armed groups and what the Nigerian go...

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & PreventionReligionYouth

Former U.N. Peacekeepers

Former U.N. Peacekeepers

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Former U.N. peacekeepers are an emerging cadre within Pakistan’s police who are precursors of professionalization and other positive changes in police culture. They are torchbearers of human rights protection in policing and form a resilient force when it comes to fighting the tide of militancy and terrorism in Pakistan.

Type: Peace Brief

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue