
On the Issues: North Korea

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The White House said North Korea had taken "a serious step in the wrong direction" when the regime expelled international inspectors from the country and announced it would restart its nuclear program. USIP’s John S. Park provides regional context to the latest developments. 

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

On the Issues: Somalia

Friday, April 10, 2009

Raymond Gilpin, Associate Vice President and director of USIP’s Sustainable Economies Center of Innovation, talked about this new development, factors fueling Somali piracy, and offers policy options to address the problem.

Type: Analysis

Terror on the Internet: Questions and Answers

What are the key elements of terrorism? Acts of terrorism are premeditated, politically motivated, and directed at civilians and are perpetrated by subnational groups rather than by the army of a state. Terrorism is a form of psychological warfare that seeks to spread fear, mistrust, and helplessness among the ordinary citizens of a society. Modern terrorists rely heavily on the mass media and use a constant stream of broadcasting (radio, television, video, and the Internet) to achieve the f...

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Iran

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daniel Brumberg, acting director of USIP's Muslim World Initiative, discusses the recent meeting between senior U.S. officials and Iranian diplomats during an international conference at the Hague on March 31. This meeting represents the Obama administration's biggest step so far to reestablish dialogue with the Islamic Republic after 30 years of hostility.

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Philippines

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In the Philippines, a peace agreement—eleven years in the making—between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front is now in question because of a Supreme Court decision. Renewed violence has broken out. Eugene Martin, who directed USIP's Philippine Facilitation Project between 2003 and 2007, discusses the situation.

Type: Analysis


On the Issues: North Korea

Monday, September 15, 2008

Recent reports on the ill health of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il have renewed speculation over his succession and the country’s future, while chronic food shortages and stalled denuclearization activities complicate the situation. In this On the Issues, Senior Research Associate and North Korea specialist John S. Park explores these issues.

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Somalia

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

David Smock is interviewed on Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia, and event that thrusted Somalia back into the international spotlight.

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Lebanon

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Patricia Karam helps unravel Lebanon's complexities by talking about Lebanon's past and its prospects for the future

Type: Analysis