
On the Issues: Nigeria

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Longstanding religious and political tensions in Nigeria erupted into bloodshed this month, marking the latest in a series of clashes between Muslims and Christians that have claimed the lives of hundreds of people this year. USIP’s David Smock answers some questions related to the recent developments in Nigeria and its stability.

Type: Analysis


On the Issues: Iraq Elections

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

USIP’s Manal Omar discusses the latest on the Iraq elections, and what they suggest about Iraq’s future and relations with the United States going forward.

Type: Analysis


The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign

Monday, March 29, 2010

On March 11, 2010 USIP's Chief of Party in Afghanistan Shahmahmood Miakhel gave a speech at the Wilton Park Conference 1022 "Winning 'Hearts and Minds' in Afghanistan: Assessing the Effectiveness of Development Aid in COIN (Counter Insurgency) Operations." His speech was entitled "The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign."

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: the New START

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala explains the significance of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), as signed by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, 2010.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

The Sinking of South Korea’s Naval Vessel

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Cheonan, a 1,200-ton South Korean naval vessel, sank on March 26 when an explosion split it apart in one of the country’s worst naval disasters. North Korea has officially denied involvement and accused South Korean President Lee Myung-bak of using this tragedy to bolster support for his hard-line North Korea policy.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Youth and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Questions and Answers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

1. What role do youth play in post-conflict reconstruction? In conflict and post-conflict situations, some young people choose to fight or are forced into a life of violence. They are soldiers, bush wives, terrorists and gang members. Others are able to work to improve their communities, contribute to peacebuilding, reconciliation and reconstruction, and become invested in their countries’ future peace. They are grassroots community leaders, artists, young parliamentarians and students worki...

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Iran Sanctions

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The United Nations Security Council on June 9 voted to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Iran, targeting conventional arms and the finances of 40 Iranian companies. The U.N. Security Council decision was not unanimous as two of the 15 nations on the council -- Brazil and Turkey – voted against the measure. Lebanon abstained. In an update to a May 20 “On the Issues,” USIP experts Robin Wright, Dan Brumberg and George Lopez provide different views on the U.N. vote and whether these sanction...

Type: Analysis

What Does the G20 Toronto Declaration Mean for Conflict-Affected States?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Leaders of G20 nations reached consensus on a set of measures to address current and emerging global economic and financial challenges during their 26-27 June meeting in Toronto, Canada.  Raymond Gilpin and Amanda Mayoral with USIP’s Sustainable Economies Center of Innovation examine some implications for conflict-affected states.

Type: Analysis
