Defusing Violent Extremism in Fragile States

Defusing Violent Extremism in Fragile States

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

In Nigeria, a radio call-in show with local Islamic scholars provided an alternative to extremist propaganda. In Somalia, training youth in nonviolent advocacy for better governance produced a sharp drop in support for political violence. In the Lake Chad region, coordinating U.S. defense, development and diplomatic efforts helped push back Boko Haram and strengthened surrounding states. Such cases illustrate ways to close off the openings for extremism in fragile states, experts said in a discussion at the U.S. Institute of Peace. 

Type: Analysis

Violent ExtremismFragility & Resilience

To Stabilize Iraq After ISIS, Try a Method That Worked

To Stabilize Iraq After ISIS, Try a Method That Worked

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The farming region of Mahmoudiya, south of Baghdad, is divided by one of Iraq’s most turbulent fault lines of conflict, between the country’s Sunni and Shia tribes. A decade ago, this region of palm groves and irrigation canals was a violent al Qaeda stronghold known as the “Triangle of Death.” Yet for 2016, news reports and the United Nations’ accounting of nearly 7,000 or more civilian deaths across Iraq noted few attacks in this region, a reflection of its relative stability in recent years.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceViolent Extremism

Rwanda’s Election Signals Risk to Recovery from Genocide

Rwanda’s Election Signals Risk to Recovery from Genocide

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Rwandans head to the polls in August for an election in which incumbent President Paul Kagame will seek—and likely win handily—a third seven-year term. Despite the controversy over a 2015 referendum that amended the constitution to let him to run again and possibly stay in power for as long as 35 years, his political opposition...

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & ConflictDemocracy & GovernanceReconciliation

The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: Why It’s Failed Thus Far

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Arab-Israeli peace process has failed for 16 years, in part because past presidents have either been “over involved” or “under involved,” according to foreign policy scholar Aaron David Miller. “We have not yet found the right balance for American diplomacy,” he said at a USIP event on the peace process Nov. 2, one of several panels that focused on the prospects for peace in the Middle East.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

At USIP, Baker Calls for American 'Determination' on Mideast Peace

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Though there will be no breakthroughs on Middle East peace over the coming American election year, U.S. leaders will need to summon the “political will and determination” to again take up the vexing quest for an Arab-Israeli peace settlement when political conditions in the region allow, former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, told a conference at USIP on November 2, 2011.

Type: Analysis

ReligionConflict Analysis & Prevention

"Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World"

What changes have led to a rewiring of regional security, and what do you mean by “rewiring”? How have views of security expanded during the past twenty years? Why is it so important to look at security challenges from a regional perspective?

Type: Analysis