Measuring Peace and Violent Extremism

Measuring Peace and Violent Extremism

Friday, March 16, 2018

Policymakers and practitioners have often engaged in a top-down approach in the design of programs to counter violent extremism in Afghanistan. This top-down approach relies heavily on the insights of religious leaders, elders, politicians, and other elites while failing to incorporate...

Type: Peace Brief

Violent Extremism

USIP’s Work on Violent Extremism

USIP’s Work on Violent Extremism

Monday, May 22, 2023

In over 20 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the threat from extremist violence and terrorism has evolved considerably. Terrorist attacks worldwide have increased in number, diffused geographically and diversified ideologically. These developments in the terrorist landscape have been fueled by violent conflict and state fragility, and they present opportunities for strategic rivals to challenge the value of democratic governance and the rules-based international system.

Type: Fact Sheet

Violent Extremism

Episode 46 - Colette Rausch

Episode 46 - Colette Rausch

Thursday, July 6, 2017

In this episode we speak with Colette Rausch, Associate Vice President for Global Practice and Innovation at the United States Institute of Peace. For over twenty years, Colette has used her legal expertise to advance human rights and the rule of law in conflict-affected communities. From Libya to Peru, Burma to Afghanistan and many other countries around the world, she has been at the forefront of addressing the most serious of crimes, crimes that keep countries embroiled in violence. Colette is coming out with her new book, "Fighting Serious Crimes: Strategies and Tactics for Conflict Affected States" and we spend some time on the show talking about what she and the other contributors to the book have learned through their many years of experiencing addressing crimes such as terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, corruption, and organized crime. We also take a close look at Colette's personal story - how a young federal prosecutor in Reno, Nevada going after telemarketers wound up in Bosnia and began transforming herself into an international peacebuilder with a growing appreciation for the rule of law.

Type: Podcast

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Episode 44 - Gandhi-King Episode

Episode 44 - Gandhi-King Episode

Saturday, April 1, 2017

In this episode of the Peace Frequency we take you to Memphis, TN and the annual Gandhi-King Conference. This year's theme was "Know Justice, Know Peace" and this episode is dedicated to that theme and the individuals who attend this conference. This recording featured seven individuals talking about their own identities, their own experiences with justice and peace and their understanding of love as the foundation of nonviolence.

Type: Podcast

Justice, Security & Rule of LawConflict Analysis & Prevention

Episode 43 - Gizem Kilinç

Episode 43 - Gizem Kilinç

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

In this episode we speak with Gizem Kilinç who is a leading coordinator for the United Network of Young Peacebuilders – a global network strengthening sustainable youth-driven peacebuilding working with 80 organizations across 45 countries. Gizem is in charge on UNOY’s advocacy work and ensuring they work gender sensitively into their work.

Type: Podcast

YouthPeace Processes

Episode 41 - Aaron Shneyer

Episode 41 - Aaron Shneyer

Thursday, October 27, 2016

In this episode of the Peace Frequency we speak with Aaron Shneyer, the Founder & Executive Director of Heartbeat – an organization that unites Israeli and Palestinian youth musicians to build critical understanding, develop creative nonviolent tools for social change, and amplify their voices to influence the world around them. Heartbeat staff members are trained musicians and dialogue facilitators, entrusted to create and hold a space for participants to build critical consciousness of the complicated world they have inherited and to support participants in developing skills in critical thinking, communication, leadership, and creative nonviolent civic engagement.

Type: Podcast

Nonviolent ActionConflict Analysis & Prevention

Episode 40 - Marc Sommers

Episode 40 - Marc Sommers

Thursday, September 29, 2016

In this episode of the Peace Frequency we continue our series focused on the #YouthPeaceEquality 60 Days of Engagement. Our guest is Marc Sommers, who is an internationally recognized youth, conflict, development, gender, and education expert, an experienced evaluator, and an award-winning author. He has conducted research, assessments and evaluations, and provided technical advice, in 21 war-affected countries (15 in Africa) since 1990. His most recent book is entitled, The Outcast Majority: War, Development, and Youth in Africa.

Type: Podcast

Peace Processes

Episode 39 - Illana Lancaster

Episode 39 - Illana Lancaster

Thursday, September 1, 2016

As part of USIP's 60 days of engagement around the intersections between youth, gender and peace, in this episode of the Peace Frequency we speak with Dr. Illana Lancaster about creating inclusive classrooms. Illana holds a master’s degree in secondary education and a PhD in international education policy. Her 2008 dissertation explored the role of race, class, and gender in school-related violence in secondary schools in Johannesburg, South Africa. She is a senior program officer in the USIP Academy where she specializes in curriculum and training design and delivery, trainer development and university partnerships. Illana discusses her experience as an educator and why inclusive education is critical to building more peaceful societies. She offers techniques and strategies for applying a gender lens in the classroom and answers incoming questions from the audience.

Type: Podcast
