Prisons in Yemen (Arabic)

Prisons in Yemen (Arabic)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

يتناول هذا التقرير نظام السجون في اليمن من منظور النظم العامة ذات الصلة. وحظيت الدراسة، التي تُعد جزءًا من مشروع الممتد على مدار ثلاث سنوات (PISU) معهد السلام الأمريكي بشأن سيادة القانون خلال الفترة الانتقالية لمرحلة ما بعد الربيع العربي في اليمن، بدعم من مكتب شؤون المخدرات وإنفاذ القوانين الدولية التابع لوزارة الخارجية الأمريكية. وبموجب تصريح من وزارة الداخلية ومصلحة السجون اليمنية، قام فريق البحث - المكون من المؤلفتين فيونا مانغان وإيريكا غاستون التابعتين لمعهد السلام الأمريكي، وأيمن الإريا...

Type: Peaceworks

Justice, Security & Rule of Law

Colombia’s Peace Accord on the Missing (Spanish)

Colombia’s Peace Accord on the Missing (Spanish)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Las desapariciones forzadas son un legado de medio siglo de conflicto armado interno en Colombia.  Afectan a sectores pobres en el campo y en los centros urbanos, trabajadores, campesinos y campesinas, periodistas, defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos, políticos de la oposición y lideres y lideresas afro-colombianos e indígenas.  Además, miembros de las fuerzas públicas y de la guerrilla han desaparecido en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano.  Este informe analiza un acuer...

Type: Peace Brief

Mediation, Negotiation & DialoguePeace Processes

Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in War and Peace

Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in War and Peace

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) can undermine long-term state stability and security even after states have transitioned out of violent conflict. This brief highlights four areas around SGBV that require urgent attention: the conflict cycle, moving beyond armed actors, protectors as perpetrators, and the role of SGBV in threatening political participation. This Brief was prepared by several members of the Missing Peace Young Scholars Network, supported through a longtime partnership b...

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismGenderHuman Rights

Fragility and Security Sector Reform

Fragility and Security Sector Reform

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Fragility Study Group is an independent, non-partisan, effort of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for a New American Security and the United States Institute of Peace. The chair report of the study group, U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, was released on September 12. This brief is part of a series authored by scholars from the three institutions that build on the chair report to discuss the implications of fragility on existing U.S. tools, st...

Type: Report

Fragility & ResilienceJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Adopting a Movement Mindset to Address the Challenge of Fragility

Adopting a Movement Mindset to Address the Challenge of Fragility

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Fragility Study Group is an independent, non-partisan, effort of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Center for a New American Security and the United States Institute of Peace. The chair report of the study group, U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, was released on September 12. This brief is part of a series authored by scholars from the three institutions that build on the chair report to discuss the implications of fragility on existing U.S. tools, st...

Type: Report

Fragility & ResilienceNonviolent Action

Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis

Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis

Monday, April 1, 1996

The dissolution of multinational communist federations and the ensuing armed conflicts that have emerged with their transformation into independent nation-states have returned the "national question" (i.e., the relationship of a national or ethnic group to a state that includes multiple ethnic groups within its territory) to the forefront of debates over international politics, law, and theory.

Type: Peaceworks

Quickstep or Kadam Taal?: The Elusive Search for Peace in Jammu and Kashmir

Quickstep or Kadam Taal?: The Elusive Search for Peace in Jammu and Kashmir

Sunday, March 13, 2005

At first glance, India and Pakistan today seem closer to peace than at any point in the past several decades. Yet the current détente process between India and Pakistan suffers from the same structural infirmities that led past peace initiatives to collapse.  peacemakers might do well to focus on the problems of the state’s peoples—thus building a base from which creative democratic solutions might eventually emerge.

Type: Special Report

Iraq's Constitutional Process: Shaping a Vision for the Country's Future

Iraq's Constitutional Process: Shaping a Vision for the Country's Future

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The elections that have just taken place in Iraq are not simply for an ordinary legislative body: the elected National Assembly will also have the responsibility of drafting a constitution for the nation. That constitution-making process can be elite-driven and subject to external interference, or it can be transparent, participatory, and truly Iraqi, leading to greater legitimacy and stability.

Type: Special Report