Iraq's Constitutional Process: Shaping a Vision for the Country's Future

Iraq's Constitutional Process: Shaping a Vision for the Country's Future

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The elections that have just taken place in Iraq are not simply for an ordinary legislative body: the elected National Assembly will also have the responsibility of drafting a constitution for the nation. That constitution-making process can be elite-driven and subject to external interference, or it can be transparent, participatory, and truly Iraqi, leading to greater legitimacy and stability.

Type: Special Report

The Mindanao Peace Talks: Another Opportunity to Resolve the Moro Conflict in the Philippines

The Mindanao Peace Talks: Another Opportunity to Resolve the Moro Conflict in the Philippines

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Summary The stalemate between the Philippine government and the insurgent forces of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the ongoing global War on Terror, and the government's desire for peace in the southern Philippines in order to bolster the country's economy have created an environment conducive to a resolution of the Muslim secessionist rebellion in the south. A leadership change in the MILF has also provided an opportunity to reinvigorate and seek new approaches to the peace ...

Type: Special Report

Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa

Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa

Thursday, February 1, 1996

The good work of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in recent conflicts in such countries as Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia is well known—providing food, shelter, medicine, and a host of other materials and services under extremely difficult conditions. But does humanitarian assistance in some cases actually exacerbate conflict?

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

NGOs and Conflict Management

NGOs and Conflict Management

Thursday, February 1, 1996

The staff of the Institute has gone through the voluminous proceedings of the September 1995, "Managing Chaos" conference to distill the views expressed by nongovernmental organization (NGO) representatives and others on the emerging role of NGOs in managing international conflict.

Type: Peaceworks

Serbia at the Crossroads Again: Can the Country Firmly Embark on the Reform Path with President Boris Tadic?

Serbia at the Crossroads Again: Can the Country Firmly Embark on the Reform Path with President Boris Tadic?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Serbia still faces many obstacles on the path toward genuine reforms. In this Special Report, Matic again provides an overview of the prospects and problems in carrying out the country's reform agenda. The report was prepared under the direction of Daniel Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative and the Peace and Stability Operations Program

Type: Special Report

Sources of Conflict: Highlights from the Managing Chaos Conference

Sources of Conflict: Highlights from the Managing Chaos Conference

Tuesday, August 1, 1995

The choice of the term "chaos" could hardly be regarded as a choice beyond controversy. The choice was made in part to acknowledge the debate surrounding the term that surfaced during 1994 and continues apace. Spurred primarily by events in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and Rwanda (and the international community's less-than-perfect responses to them), this debate centers on the question of whether the forces of order in the world are not in fact being overwhelmed by increasing and increasingly nov...

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives

Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Summary With the end of the Cold War, major geopolitical shifts prompted southern Europe to reorient its strategic landscape toward the southern Mediterranean. From a European vantage point, the Mediterranean's strategic importance centers on migration, energy dependence, security/counterterrorism, and trade. Established in November 1995, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), also known as the Barcelona Process, was intended to be Europe's answer to growing concerns about instabil...

Type: Special Report

Keynote Addresses from "Managing Chaos" Conference: Aspin and Koppel

Wednesday, February 1, 1995

In this volume, we have transcribed and edited the remarks of two keynote speakers, Secretary Les Aspin and Mr. Ted Koppel to meet what has become a very considerable public demand for their presentations from the "Managing Chaos: Coping with International Conflict into the 21st Century" conference.

Type: Peaceworks