
"International Mediation in Venezuela"

What was the situation in Venezuela at the start of the Carter Center’s intervention? What did the Carter Center aim to achieve in Venezuela? The ultimate goal of preventing violence was achieved by the intervention, but the underlying issues producing polarization and new forms of political exclusion were not resolved. What explains the mixed results of such an unusual international intervention?

Type: Analysis

U.S. Troops in Iraq after 2011?

Monday, October 3, 2011

After more than eight years on the ground in Iraq, the U.S. military pull-out is proceeding rapidly, with about 40,000 soldiers still in the country as of the end of September. Three of the Institute’s leading specialists on Iraq weighed in on the question of extending U.S. troop presence after the December 31, 2011 deadline.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Syria's Opposition Takes Form

Thursday, October 6, 2011

There is little doubt the creation of a unified front among the various dissident groups in Syria is a positive development for their cause. But it remains unclear if it reflects a true "coalescing" of all the different rebel voices, or if the group can grow into an effective political force capable of being seen as a viable alternative to the Assad regime.

Type: Analysis