Déby’s Chad

Déby’s Chad

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Since gaining its independence from France in 1960, Chad has evolved from a one-party state into a multiparty regime, endured successive rebellions, and become an interventionist regional actor. Thanks to both an oil boom and corruption, segments of the Chadian elite have become very rich, but most of the population is...

Type: Peaceworks

Democracy & GovernanceEnvironmentEconomics

China and Yemen’s Forgotten War

China and Yemen’s Forgotten War

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Yemen is facing an acute humanitarian crisis after nearly three years of civil war, with more than 10,000 deaths and three-quarters of the country’s population in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Although eschewing a leadership role, China has supported regional and international efforts to mitigate the...

Type: Peace Brief

Peace ProcessesGlobal PolicyEnvironmentEconomics

USAID in Afghanistan: Challenges and Successes

USAID in Afghanistan: Challenges and Successes

Thursday, December 21, 2017

For nearly sixteen years in Afghanistan, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has sought to deliver effective development results in a war zone. Its most extensive program since Vietnam, the effort has pushed the agency well beyond its traditional boundary of...

Type: Special Report

Fragility & Resilience

Task Force on the United Nations Reports

This first report by the Task Force calls for immediate action and attention for reforming the United Nations. This update tracks the progress of the Task Force and the ongoing issues that must be faced in reforming the United Nations.

Type: Report

South Sudan’s Renewable Energy Potential

South Sudan’s Renewable Energy Potential

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The world’s newest country, South Sudan, is also the least electrified. A period of growth that began after a 2005 peace deal and continued after independence in 2011, saw billions of dollars in oil revenue and strong international support. This period was for powered by diesel generators and...

Type: Special Report
