Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Nepal: A Slow Path

Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Nepal: A Slow Path

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In 2006, the government of Nepal and Maoist insurgents brokered the end of a ten-year civil war that had killed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands. The ensuing Comprehensive Peace Agreement laid out a path to peace and ushered in a coalition government. Nepal’s people were eager to see the fighting end. Their political leaders, however...

Type: Peace Brief

ReconciliationJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Rule of Law, Governance, and Human Rights in Afghanistan, 2002 to 2016

Rule of Law, Governance, and Human Rights in Afghanistan, 2002 to 2016

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In the wake of the 2001 invasion, Afghanistan is a cautionary tale about underfunded, underplanned, and undercoordinated development agendas. Derived from extensive fieldwork, numerous interviews, and desk research into primary and secondary sources, this report examines the successes and failures in Afghan reconstruction over fifteen years to suggest ways to consolidate gains in rule of law, human rights, and good governance over the long term.

Type: Peaceworks

Democracy & GovernanceJustice, Security & Rule of LawHuman Rights

Engaging Religion and Religious Actors in Countering Violent Extremism

Engaging Religion and Religious Actors in Countering Violent Extremism

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

By more fully understanding the role of religion in violent extremism and adopting a broad-based and inclusive approach to engaging religious actors, policymakers and practitioners can better advance countering violent extremism objectives. In this report, a former senior policy adviser and a USIP senior specialist explore the nexus of religion and violent extremism.

Type: Special Report

ReligionViolent Extremism