USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2012

USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The January 2012 Prevention Newsletter features a spotlight on U.S.-Iran relations: Iran seems to be on a collision course with the international community. The U.S. and its allies have to find a way to respond effectively to Iran, without feeding the very forces seeking conflict with the West.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Traditional Dispute Resolution and Afghanistan’s Women

Traditional Dispute Resolution and Afghanistan’s Women

Thursday, December 22, 2011

This brief is based on recent discussions USIP held in Kabul on traditional dispute resolution (TDR) and women’s rights. Based on these discussions and USIP’s research, it outlines recommendations on how to increase access to justice for women. Sylvana Q. Sinha served as rule of law adviser in USIP’s Kabul office from November 2010 to November 2011.

Type: Peace Brief

Education & TrainingGenderMediation, Negotiation & DialogueEducation & Training

Universities for Ushahidi

The U4U training program brings young people from conflict zones around the world to train them in the use of crowdsourced mapping tools like Ushahidi as well as in the skills of conflict management, helping them address community needs in-country, train others, and join a growing community of global crisis mappers and technology-enabled peacebuilders.

Promoting Legal Awareness in Afghanistan through Radio Programming

After traveling to Afghanistan to conduct an in-depth media evaluation, the Center is working with local partners to use edutainment to address the challenges of dealing with Afghanistan’s multiple informal and formal judicial sectors through a serial radio drama. The Center is also using new technology and radio to provide youth with the capability to inform others on legal issues and solutions.

Haitian Women: The Centerposts of Reconstructing Haiti

Haitian Women: The Centerposts of Reconstructing Haiti

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Since Haiti’s devastating January 2010 earthquake, women have played a vital role in their country’s response to the catastrophe. This Peace Brief, by USIP's Robert Maguire, discusses the pivotal roles women are playing in matters of family, education, health, commerce and the economy, and agriculture.

Type: Peace Brief


The Diversity of Truth Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry

The Diversity of Truth Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Over the past several decades, dozens of countries have established truth commissions and other bodies to investigate mass atrocities or systematic human rights abuse. Lessons learned from past truth-finding processes are invaluable to help address the legacies of human rights violations in countries transitioning to democratic regimes in the Middle East and North Africa and elsewhere.

Type: Peace Brief

Media As Global Diplomat

Through a series of summits to highlight the expanding power of today’s media to transform public diplomacy and promote peaceful international relations, the Center has brought together a variety of public diplomacy thinkers and media stakeholders. These events have been hosted by influential public figures such as Ted Koppel and Queen Noor.

Tools for Improving Media Interventions in Conflict Zones

Through its goal of better understanding the role of media throughout the conflict cycle, the Center has been working on the development of a variety if assessment and evaluation tools. These tools include a strategic framework for media interventions, a template for the assessment of the media landscape in conflict situations and guidelines for evaluating the impact of media programs in conflict areas.