Baghdad’s Wary Support for the Syrian Status Quo

Baghdad’s Wary Support for the Syrian Status Quo

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Iraq’s reaction to the popular uprising in Syria is mostly determined by the chaos its Shiite-led government believes would follow the sudden collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. This Peace Brief outlines how Baghdad possesses limited ability to influence the course of events in Syria, but uses this to provide modest support to the Assad regime. This Peace Brief is part of a series examining the regional dimensions of Syria’s popular uprising.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Reconstruction Zones in Afghanistan and Haiti

Reconstruction Zones in Afghanistan and Haiti

Friday, October 14, 2011

The record of countries coming out of war or chaos is dismal: roughly half of them fall back into crisis. Among the other half, most end up highly aid dependent. The author of this Special Report was invited to develop her proposal for reconstruction zones as a way to jump-start the economies of conflict- and disaster-affected countries in a dynamic and inclusive way, by improving aid effectiveness and accountability.

Type: Special Report


Youth in Rwanda and Burundi

Youth in Rwanda and Burundi

Friday, October 14, 2011

This report compares the results of parallel research projects carried out among impoverished, nonelite youth in postconflict Rwanda and Burundi. Arguing that the plight and priorities of nonelite youth should be of serious national and international concern, particularly in countries that have unusually youthful populations that are overwhelmingly poor and undereducated, it finds striking differences between the groups, with a significantly bleaker picture for youth in Rwanda.

Type: Special Report

Education & TrainingYouth

Syria's Opposition Takes Form

Thursday, October 6, 2011

There is little doubt the creation of a unified front among the various dissident groups in Syria is a positive development for their cause. But it remains unclear if it reflects a true "coalescing" of all the different rebel voices, or if the group can grow into an effective political force capable of being seen as a viable alternative to the Assad regime.

Type: Analysis