How a Gaza Marine Deal Could Benefit Palestinians, Israelis and the Region

How a Gaza Marine Deal Could Benefit Palestinians, Israelis and the Region

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Amid today’s dismal Israeli-Palestinian context, positive developments have been in short supply. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s June announcement of preliminary approval for the development of the Gaza Marine gas fields provided a rare glimpse of a potential win-win opportunity. For the Palestinians, it could provide a much-needed boost to their lagging economy and the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority (PA). On the Israeli side, it allows the Netanyahu government to claim it is assisting in improving living conditions in Gaza and could lead to less U.S. pressure on issues like settlement expansion. In the big picture, this is another example of how energy is increasingly becoming a focus for potential win-win agreements in the East Mediterranean.

Type: Analysis


Countering Coups: How to Reverse Military Rule Across the Sahel

Countering Coups: How to Reverse Military Rule Across the Sahel

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Three years of coups around Africa’s Sahel region — eight of them in six nations, from Guinea on the Atlantic to Sudan on the Red Sea — leave many African and other policymakers frustrated over how to respond. The Sahel’s crises have uprooted more than 4 million people and could add millions more to our record levels of global human migration as Africa’s population grows and its climate destabilizes. Yet the pattern of coups and other evidence — notably from USIP’s Sahel fieldwork, counter-coup research and bipartisan analysis teams — offer guidelines for effective responses by African, U.S. and international policymakers.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Five Things to Know About China’s Armed Forces

Five Things to Know About China’s Armed Forces

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The People’s Liberation Army, which celebrated its 96th birthday on August 1, is one of the largest, most potent and fast-growing militaries in the world. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has made it a goal for the PLA to “modernize” by 2035 and to be a “world-class” military power by mid-century. In 2014, China’s Navy overtook the U.S. Navy to become the largest military fleet in the world — although the U.S. Navy is still considered to be more powerful. While China is notoriously opaque about its level of defense spending, it is widely believed that China has the largest defense budget in the world other than the United States.

Type: Analysis

Civilian-Military RelationsGlobal Policy

Will Voters or the Courts Choose Guatemala's Next President?

Will Voters or the Courts Choose Guatemala's Next President?

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Guatemalans head to the polls on August 20 to vote in a presidential run-off election. Both candidates come from the country’s center-left: Sandra Torres is a veteran campaigner, who has run for president twice before. Bernardo Arévalo leads a relatively new party whose surprisingly strong showing in the first-round vote propelled him into the runoff for the first time.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance

China and Space: The Next Frontier of Lawfare

China and Space: The Next Frontier of Lawfare

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is one of the most thoughtful practitioners of legal warfare or “lawfare.” For PRC planners, especially those in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), legal warfare is an integral part of the larger effort of “political warfare.” Indeed, legal warfare is embedded in the Chinese conception of political warfare.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

¿Elegirán los votantes o los tribunales al próximo presidente de Guatemala?

¿Elegirán los votantes o los tribunales al próximo presidente de Guatemala?

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Los guatemaltecos acuden a las urnas el 20 de agosto para votar en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales. Ambos candidatos provienen de la centroizquierda del país: Sandra Torres, activista veterana, que ya se ha presentado dos veces a las elecciones presidenciales, y Bernardo Arévalo, quien lidera un partido relativamente nuevo y cuya sorprendente victoria lo ha llevado por primera vez a la segunda vuelta.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance

Frank Aum on the Need for Diplomacy with North Korea

Frank Aum on the Need for Diplomacy with North Korea

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

In the 70 years since the Korean War armistice, mutual deterrence has emerged as the prevailing strategy for preventing conflict on the peninsula. But USIP’s Frank Aum says “deterrence is not an end … [it’s] supposed to buy time” for diplomacy, and the West has the power to restart dialogue with North Korea.

Type: Podcast

It’s Time for an All-Out War on Explosive Remnants in Solomon Islands

It’s Time for an All-Out War on Explosive Remnants in Solomon Islands

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

On August 7, U.S. military personnel, diplomats and civilians will gather at the WWII American Guadalcanal Memorial to mark the 81st anniversary of the U.S. Marine landings. Two days of planned commemorative events will include speeches, wreath laying and gatherings to honor the valor of those who fought and the sacrifices of those who never came home. But too often, U.S. attendees return home from this annual commemoration without leaving a lasting footprint in the Solomon Island sand.

Type: Analysis


At Ukraine’s Edge, Russia Presses Hybrid War on Tiny Moldova

At Ukraine’s Edge, Russia Presses Hybrid War on Tiny Moldova

Thursday, July 27, 2023

At a sensitive edge of Russia’s war on Ukraine, Moscow is sustaining a campaign to regain control in Moldova, the small, ex-Soviet republic landlocked between Ukraine and Romania. Russia has maneuvered for years to scuttle Moldovans’ aims to join the European Union, crimping their economy and controlling easternmost Moldova with Russian troops and proxies. A Kremlin-backed party won a Moldovan regional election in May and Moscow will aim to defeat Moldova’s pro-European national government in elections by 2025. The United States and its partners should urgently unify efforts to help Moldovans sustain their independence and stability.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

A Coup in Niger: What It Means for Africa, U.S. and Partners

A Coup in Niger: What It Means for Africa, U.S. and Partners

Thursday, July 27, 2023

This morning’s coup d’etat in Niger only deepens the pattern of instability across Africa’s Sahel and damages what has been a rare process of fairly steady democracy building in the region. Niger’s democratically elected government has been a valued partner for African and international efforts to stabilize the Sahel against its web of insurgencies, extremist movements and military coups. Kamissa Camara, a former foreign minister of Niger’s neighbor, Mali, now an analyst on the region with USIP, says the coup underlines lessons already evident about how to improve international efforts to build democracy and peace.

Type: Analysis

Civilian-Military RelationsDemocracy & Governance