
USIP Book Launch Explores Iran's Seriousness

Monday, December 13, 2010

After 30 years of estrangement, the Obama administration is now engaged with Iran in hopes of a deal to ensure Iran’s nuclear energy program is not subverted to make nuclear weapons. On December 1, 2010, Iran experts explored important trends inside Iran and in its dealings with the outside world at the U.S. Institute of Peace’s launch of “The Iran Primer: Power, Politics and U.S. Policy.”

Type: Analysis

New START Debate Spotlights Strategic Posture Commission Guidance

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

With the U.S. Senate’s ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), the United States and Russia now await the Russian parliament’s likely ratification to make important reductions in their strategic nuclear arsenals.  Throughout debate, senators on both sides of the aisle cited the findings and recommendations of the 2009 Strategic Posture Commission, chaired by former secretaries of defense William Perry and James Schlesinger.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal Policy

Gender and Peacebuilding in 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010

Kathleen Kuehnast, USIP gender expert and director of USIP's new Gender and Peacebuilding Center of Innovation, looks at what the Center will focus on in 2011 and looks back on gender and peacebuilding in 2010.

Type: Analysis


USIP in 2010: Year in Review

Monday, December 27, 2010

USIP experts look back at 2010 and ahead to 2011 on Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Arab/Israeli conflict, gender issues, and more and look at how to manage international conflict, terrorism, violence, and instability around the world.

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Afghanistan and Pakistan 2010 Review

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ambassador William Taylor shares his review of the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2010 and provides a glimpse into what we can expect from these two countries in 2011.

Type: Analysis