Second Annual Conference on Preventing Violent Conflict

Second Annual Conference on Preventing Violent Conflict

Friday, July 8, 2011

USIP’s annual “Preventing Violent Conflict” conference is designed to spotlight the importance of the subject, address specific challenges facing prevention efforts and identify priority areas for USIP’s future work on conflict prevention. This brief summarizes the highlights of that conference.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

A Historical Case Study of Violence in Colombia

Monday, July 11, 2011

Colombia’s National Committee of Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR) established a Historical Memory Group, an independent, autonomous unit of 14 respected academics charged with producing an account of the origins and evolution of Colombia’s internal armed conflict, giving special attention to the perspectives of victims. USIP has been supporting the work of the gender unit of the Historical Memory Group.

Demobilization and Reintegration of ExCombatants in Colombia

Monday, July 11, 2011

With the support of USIP, the Fundación Antonio Restrepo Barco developed a model psycho-social treatment program for 100 ex-combatants. Three professional counselors trained a group of thirty ex-combatants from the Caribbean coastal region in strategies to assist in their own social reintegration and to train them as peer counselors.

Citizens’ Commission for Reconciliation

Monday, July 11, 2011

USIP supported the work of SEMBRANDOPAZ to launch a network in the North Atlantic coastal region of Colombia that creates and links eight departmental Citizens' Reconciliation Commissions (CCR).  This network is a vehicle through which to promote and channel citizen participation around issues related to truth, justice, reparations, reconciliation, and reintegration, and to foster national reconciliation processes and debates at the local and regional levels. 

Women’s Memories of War, Peace, and Resistance

Monday, July 11, 2011

USIP supported the gender unit of the Historical Memory Group (HMG) to develop a unique interdisciplinary and participatory methodology to produce the first official report of the HMG Gender Unit.


Human Rights in Syria

Human Rights in Syria

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

USIP Middle East Senior Program Officer, Mona Yacoubian, testified before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission at the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, DC. The views expressed are those of the author and are not at the U.S. Institute of Peace, which does not take policy positions.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Conflict Analysis & PreventionHuman Rights

International Mediation in Venezuela

International Mediation in Venezuela

Saturday, October 1, 2011

International Mediation in Venezuela analyzes the effort of the Carter Center and the broader international community to prevent violent conflict, to reconcile a deeply divided society, and to preserve democratic processes. From their perspective as facilitators of the intervention and as representatives of the Carter Center, Jennifer McCoy and Francisco Diez present an insider account of mediation at the national and international level.

Type: Book

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue