Fortifying Pakistan

Fortifying Pakistan

Friday, December 1, 2006

In this volume, the authors offer a comprehensive examination of Pakistan’s internal security environment and the effectiveness of its criminal justice structures and assess the impact and utility of the principal United States initiatives to help Pakistan strengthen its internal security.

Type: Book

Human Rights and Conflict

Human Rights and Conflict

Friday, December 1, 2006

This much-needed volume brings these perspectives together to create a composite picture of the relationship between human rights and conflict. The relationship between human rights and conflict is dynamic, complex, and powerful, constantly shaping and reshaping the course of both peace and war.

Type: Book

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Council Unbound

Council Unbound

Friday, December 1, 2006

Examines the UN Security Council’s new, expansive exercise of legal authority in the post-Cold War period and its devising of bold and innovative methods—coercive and noncoercive—to stop nascent wars and “threats to the peace,” including international terrorism. 

Type: Book

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Twenty-First-Century Peace Operations

Twenty-First-Century Peace Operations

Friday, December 1, 2006

This superbly edited volume addresses the question of what has been accomplished and what lessons have been learned from ten years of peace operations in post-conflict societies.

Type: Book

Peace Agreements: Nepal

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Nepali Comprehensive Peace Agreement concluded between the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (11-21-2006) Posted by USIP Library on: November 30, 2006 Source Name: The Government of Nepal, as verified by an official at the Embassy of Nepal, Washington, D.C. Date emailed: File received in email on November 28, 2006   English Unofficial Translation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement concluded between the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal ...

Type: Report

Five Years After the Fall of the Taliban: Afghanistan and the War on Terrorism

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Five years after coalition troops defeated Afghanistan's Taliban-led government, a resurgent al Qaeda-influenced Taliban has resurfaced, with many of its senior leaders now receiving support from the terrorist organization, state supporters in Pakistan, wealthy Arab financiers, and other anti-government forces.

Type: Peace Brief

Online Research Papers

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

These are links to online reports, policy briefs, occasional papers, working papers and other research papers pertaining to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace.

Type: Article

Syria's Role in Lebanon

Thursday, November 9, 2006

As the political situation in Lebanon grows increasingly volatile, the nature of Syria’s role in Lebanon and, in particular, its alliance with Hezbollah, warrants closer examination.

Type: Peace Brief

Afghanistan Five Years Later: What Can the United States Do To Help?

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Five years after the fall of the Taliban, the international community and the Karzai government are losing a battle of confidence among the Afghan people. The United States needs to take dramatic steps to spur the delivery of governance, security, and development in order to stabilize Afghanistan.

Type: Peace Brief