
Year in Review: Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

Friday, December 28, 2012

USIP Senior Program Officer Qamar-ul Huda looks at 2012 lessons learned in religion, conflict, and peacebuilding, including the Koran desecration incident in Afghanistan and the controversial “Innocence of Muslims” film.

Type: Analysis


Year in Review: A "Big Year” for Burma

Friday, December 28, 2012

Burma began emerging from years of isolation as it took major steps towards building a democratic state in 2012. Colette Rausch looks back at “a big year” for Burma and discusses the prospects ahead.

Type: Analysis

Year in Review: The Global Peacebuilding Center

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Global Peacebuilding Center, USIP’s youth-focused education program, marked its first full year in 2012. Ann-Louise Colgan, director of the GPC, highlights some of the ways that the GPC is empowering the next generation of peacebuilders.

Type: Analysis

A New Opportunity: Agricultural Extension as a Peacebuilding Tool

A New Opportunity: Agricultural Extension as a Peacebuilding Tool

Friday, January 4, 2013

USIP’s Andrew Robertson explains how agricultural extension systems—a common feature in rural areas including those afflicted by conflict—might be utilized in the service of preventing and managing conflict and promoting positive change.

Type: Analysis