
Using Sound Economics to Build Peace in Fragile Environments

Monday, October 15, 2012

USIP’s new publication titled “Peace Economics: A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-Afflicted States” provides a concise but broad overview of practical ways that sound macroeconomic fundamentals could be used to build stability in states that are affected by violent conflict.

Type: Analysis


USIP Hosts Conference Looking At Impact, Expansion of Virtual Exchanges

USIP Hosts Conference Looking At Impact, Expansion of Virtual Exchanges

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) brought together a diverse group of thinkers, policymakers and practitioners for an October 15 conference that examined the positive impact of online or “virtual” exchanges for students and others around the world and the need to expand their use in an era of tight constraints on spending.

Type: Analysis

Looking Back on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 50 Years Later

Looking Back on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 50 Years Later

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fifty years ago this month, world attention was fixed on a U.S.-Soviet confrontation over the placement of Soviet nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba, probably the most dangerous and perhaps the most studied moment of the Cold War. This iconic crisis has left us a legacy of lessons and insights for the future, many only recognized in recent years as previously classified materials have become available.

Type: Analysis

Un enfoque bipartidista estadounidense sobre Venezuela es posible – y necesario

Un enfoque bipartidista estadounidense sobre Venezuela es posible – y necesario

Thursday, March 9, 2023

A pesar del gobierno dividido en Washington (ejecutivo demócrata y legislativo republicano), hay un amplio espacio para la acción bipartidista en la política exterior de Estados Unidos. Hacerle control a los avances de China y apoyar a Ucrania contra Rusia encabezan la lista, pero la principal oportunidad para que republicanos y demócratas trabajen juntos puede estar en Venezuela, donde las elecciones presidenciales del próximo año ofrecen la mejor oportunidad en años para una apertura democrática.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Taiwan and the United States Share Key Interests in the North Pacific

Taiwan and the United States Share Key Interests in the North Pacific

Monday, March 27, 2023

In September 2022, USIP published a report on “China’s Influence on the Freely Associated States of the Northern Pacific,” which consist of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau. “China’s engagement in these countries threatens [U.S.] interests both locally and in the broader Pacific region,” said the preface to the report, which makes the case that strengthening U.S. relations with the Freely Associated States (FAS) is essential to secure U.S. interests and prevent China from increasing its influence in the region. This Senior Study Group report largely focuses on the interests of the United States, China and the FAS, but also has significant implications for Taiwan.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy