
Colombia: Trip Report on Armed Conflict and Society

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

A Current Issues Briefing Co-sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Washington Office on Latin America. Featured remarks from Congressman James P. McGovern (D-Massachusetts).

Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine

Healing the Holy Land: Interreligious Peacebuilding in Israel/Palestine

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

This publication documents faith-based efforts by Muslim, Jewish, and Christians to achieve a just peace in the Arab/Israeli conflict. The publication argues forcefully that religious leaders and interests must be engaged in the peace process in order to assure a sustainable, inclusive, and comprehensive settlement. The report includes the perspectives of clergy, lay, facilitators of inter-faith dialogue, religious educators, and participants in the historic Alexandria Summit in January 2002,...

Type: Peaceworks

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueReligion

Unfinished Business in Afghanistan: Warlordism, Reconstruction, and Ethnic Harmony

Unfinished Business in Afghanistan: Warlordism, Reconstruction, and Ethnic Harmony

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Summary In comparison to the quick and successful U.S. military campaign to oust the Taliban, the political task of creating a stable and secure democratic state in Afghanistan is proving much more difficult. There are some hopeful signs since January 2003 with sections of President Hamid Karzai's government apparatus becoming more functional. But the central government continues to be severely hampered in the absence of adequate funds, security structures, and infrastructure.

Type: Special Report

Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq

Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Summary In Iraq, the immediate post-war period is likely to be difficult, confusing, and dangerous. Based on the experience of previous peace operations, the U.S.-led coalition's most important objective should be establishing the rule of law. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes this an obligation for the U.S. military administration. It will also be necessary to ensure that post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction go forward successfully. Saddam Hussein exercised power in Ira...

Type: Special Report

Prime Time Crime: The Media and the Balkan Wars

Prime Time Crime: The Media and the Balkan Wars

Monday, April 7, 2003

Did the media play an active role in the creation of Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic and fan the flames of ethnic hatred that plunged the Balkans into a decade of bloody ethnic conflict? How can the international community foster independent media voices in situations of ethnic and religious conflict?

Type: Peace Brief

Can Faith-Based NGOs Advance Interfaith Reconciliation? The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Can Faith-Based NGOs Advance Interfaith Reconciliation? The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Summary Reconciliation can be an immense challenge in the pursuit of sustainable peace. Progress toward postconflict reconciliation is being made in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as evidenced by some previously unthinkable recent events. Some early initiatives toward promoting interfaith reconciliation undertaken by international actors were not well conceived and proved counterproductive.

Type: Special Report


Online Journals

Monday, March 10, 2003

These are web links to free online journals on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace. The intent of this page is to provide links to academic and policy journals which publish research and analysis of theoretical and practical issues in the field, rather than to newsletters or peace advocacy publications.

Type: Article