
Truth Commission: Peru 01

Friday, July 13, 2001

Truth Commission: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Duration:  2001 - 2003 Charter: Supreme Decree No. 065-2001-PCM Commissioners: 12 Report: Public report    

Type: Truth Commission

American Civilian Police in UN Peace Operations: Lessons Learned and Ideas for the Future

American Civilian Police in UN Peace Operations: Lessons Learned and Ideas for the Future

Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Summary With the advent of the United Nations missions in Kosovo and East Timor, civilian police (CIVPOL) mandates expanded in scope and scale to assume the full spectrum of executive law enforcement authority, along with the crucial peacebuilding tasks of creating indigenous law enforcement and criminal justice systems based on democratic values and institutions. The Clinton administration's Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 71 sought to address the "public security gap," creat...

Type: Special Report

2001 National Winning Essay

Saturday, May 5, 2001

Stefanie Nelson Bountiful High School Bountiful, Utah Coordinator: Julia Nelson Third party intervention in civil wars must be re-conceptualized as the collision of two competing philosophies: sovereignty and humanitarianism. On one hand, principles of sovereignty dictate that the people of a state should decide their own course; on the other hand, the bloodshed of innocent human life invokes humanitarianism concerns that motivate action by the international community. Instead of respo...

Passing the Baton: Challenges of Statecraft for the New Administration

Passing the Baton: Challenges of Statecraft for the New Administration

Tuesday, May 1, 2001

This report summarizes discussions at a conference of leading officials and specialists on January 17, 2001.  The conference program was organized around five panel discussions covering two functional topics (organizing for national security and international conflict management) and three geographic regions of special concern to the United States (Russia, the Balkans, and Northeast Asia).

Type: Peaceworks

From Revolutionary Internationalism to Conservative Nationalism

From Revolutionary Internationalism to Conservative Nationalism

Tuesday, May 1, 2001

Ever since Deng's 1985 "strategic decision" and the corresponding doctrinal change from the country's highest military decision-making body that same year to change Mao Zedong's emphasis on preparing for an early, large-scale, nuclear war, China's military has engaged in a new discourse that is departing from Maoist ideology and moving in a more conservative, nationalist direction. This new military discourse has driven China's foreign policy away from its internationalist and revolutionary f...

Type: Peaceworks

French Negotiating Style

French Negotiating Style

Thursday, April 26, 2001

The Research and Studies Program of the United States Institute of Peace convened a meeting of American and French academic experts and policy practitioners to examine the French negotiating style. Focusing on the French approach to bilateral and multilateral relations, the animated discussion yielded useful insight into the French approach to international politics.

Type: Special Report

Peace Agreements: El Salvador

Monday, April 16, 2001

Peace Agreement (Chapultepec) (01-16-1992) Posted by USIP Library on: April 16, 2001 Source Name: The United Nations and El Salvador 1990-1995, United Nations Blue Books Series, vol. IV. (New York: United Nations, Dept. of Public Information, 1995), 193-230. Source Document Number: U.N. Doc. No. A/46/864-S/23501 Date digitized: March 2, 2001 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ...

Type: Report

Catholic Contributions to International Peace

Catholic Contributions to International Peace

Monday, April 9, 2001

The United States Institute of Peace launched its Religion and Peacemaking Initiative in July 2000, building on experience gained from an earlier Institute program entitled Religion, Ethics, and Human Rights. This new initiative endeavors to aid American religious organizations in being more active and more effective as international peacemakers.

Type: Special Report


Serbia and Montenegro: Reintegration, Divorce, or Something Else?

Serbia and Montenegro: Reintegration, Divorce, or Something Else?

Monday, April 2, 2001

As the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's (FRY) new president, Vojislav Kostunica, and the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) attempt to guide the FRY through the transition to democratic rule in the post-Milosevic era, the biggest challenge has come from Montenegro, Serbia's junior partner in the FRY.

Type: Special Report