Waiting for Change

Waiting for Change

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A year after a political compromise ended popular protests in Yemen, the transitional government has met some benchmarks for reform. However, key demands for improved security and government services, for example, remain stalled. This report studies security and justice conditions in four governorates to assess how transition is progressing. Also available in Arabic (1,076 KB))

Type: Peaceworks

Informal Justice and the International Community in Afghanistan

Informal Justice and the International Community in Afghanistan

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Recognizing that lack of access to justice in Afghanistan was a serious problem that helped fuel insurgency, the international community launched an array of programs to research and actively support informal justice mechanisms. In some cases, these efforts hampered local dispute resolution. This study finds that the best approaches fostered an environment for local political change that strengthened linkages between formal and informal participants in the justice system.

Type: Peaceworks

Establishing a Mining Sector in Postwar South Sudan

Establishing a Mining Sector in Postwar South Sudan

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

South Sudan has untapped mineral resources, and its government is striving to set up a regulatory framework that will ensure the equitable distribution of the benefits of its mineral wealth. If it takes key steps to secure the informed consent of the affected landowning communities, the government can reduce the potential for unrest and conflict around future mining ventures.

Type: Special Report


Mitigating Media Incitement to Violence in Iraq

Mitigating Media Incitement to Violence in Iraq

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Inflammatory news broadcasts in Iraq risk inciting violence and diminishes the chance for successful democratic transition. A new Special Report highlights an effort to identify, define, and measure the prevalence of inflammatory terms in news reporting at key television stations. A pilot group of media leaders in Iraq have used this content analysis to create a style guide they hope will improve reporting and stem the risks of incitement.

Type: Special Report

Civil Society in Darfur (Arabic Edition)

Civil Society in Darfur (Arabic Edition)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This report explores civil society’s role in Darfur's greater peace process, examines mediators’ efforts to harness civil society to date, and argues that civil society could be extremely useful to the peacemaking process, but only if its representatives to the process are carefully selected and properly involved in the process.

Type: Special Report

Unfinished Business

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Program Officer Sean Kane co-authored the Saban Center at Brookings' report "Unfinished Business: An American Strategy for Iraq Moving Forward" that looks at American strategy in Iraq through the lenses of politics, security, government, and economics.

Chad’s 2007 Peace Agreement Plagued by Poor Implementation

Chad’s 2007 Peace Agreement Plagued by Poor Implementation

Monday, December 6, 2010

Summary Political crises and armed opposition movements have plagued Chad for several years. After several failed peace initiatives, the August 13 Agreement was reached in 2007. The agreement is the most viable framework for bringing peace to Chad. It calls on the Chadian government to reform critical electoral institutions, undertake a credible electoral census and demilitarize politics in order to ensure fair and transparent elections. To date, the agreement has been poorly implem...

Type: Peace Brief