
Jordan and Iraq: Between Cooperation and Crisis

Friday, December 1, 2006

President Bush's visit to Jordan this week has brought new attention to the role of Iraq's neighbors. As part of the Institute's Iraq and its Neighbors initiative, Scott Lasensky has completed an in-depth study on Jordan and the myriad of challenges it now faces because of a weak Iraq.

Type: Special Report

Resolving the Pakistan- Afghanistan Stalemate

Resolving the Pakistan- Afghanistan Stalemate

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the neighboring regions would all benefit from a recognized open border between the two countries. What are the challenges to this objective?

Type: Special Report

Whither Peace Operations?

Whither Peace Operations?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Peace operations have undergone several evolutions since the first United Nations–administered peace mission in 1948. A characteristic feature of the most recent evolution, which began about a decade ago, is that today peace operations are more broadly accepted as a tool for contending with destabilizing events in all regions of the globe.

Type: Special Report

Abrahamic Alternatives to War: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Just Peacemaking

Abrahamic Alternatives to War: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Just Peacemaking

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eight Muslim scholar-leaders, six Jewish scholar-leaders, and eight Christian scholar-leaders met from June 13 to 15, 2007, in Stony Point, N.Y., at a conference sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace and the Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy. The purpose of the conference, titled Alternatives to War, was to specify practices within each of the three Abrahamic traditions that could lay the groundwork for a nonviolent program to resolve global conflict and address inju...

Type: Special Report


Northern Ireland: Prospects for Progress in 2006?

Northern Ireland: Prospects for Progress in 2006?

Friday, September 1, 2006

Northern Ireland's Good Friday Agreement has been held up internationally as a model for successful peacekeeping. However, its flaws, specifically those made in attempt to achieve its full implementation, have contributed to the current difficulties in the peace process.

Type: Special Report

Reconciliation Strategies in Iraq

Reconciliation Strategies in Iraq

Monday, September 1, 2008

A window of opportunity now exists for post-conflict reconstruction in Iraq. In this Special Report, senior reconstruction facilitator David Steele—who has worked on the ground for three years with Iraqis and Provincial Reconstruction Teams—examines effective processes of relationship building and dispute resolution.

Type: Special Report

Thwarting Afghanistan’s Insurgency: A Pragmatic Approach toward Peace and Reconciliation

Thwarting Afghanistan’s Insurgency: A Pragmatic Approach toward Peace and Reconciliation

Monday, September 1, 2008

Afghanistan is in a crucial phase of transition. In this report, USIP's first Afghanistan fellow Masoom Stanekzai, who has interviewed a broad spectrum of Afghan senior government officials, members of the international community, and ordinary citizens in the country, shares his recommendations for a pragmatic approach toward peace and reconciliation.

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention