Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq

Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq

Thursday, March 1, 2007

In January 2007, President Bush announced that the United States would double the number of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), small civilian-military units that assist provincial and local governments to govern effectively and deliver essential services, as part of his plan for a "New Way Forward" in Iraq. This report examines the U.S. experience with PRTs in Iraq, notes shortcomings, and suggests ways they could be more effective.

Type: Special Report


The Aceh Peace Process: Nothing Less than Success

The Aceh Peace Process: Nothing Less than Success

Thursday, March 1, 2007

An EU-led mission completed its mandate of monitoring and supporting the peace process in the Indonesian province of Aceh on December 15, 2006. This report looks at the reasons for the successful outcome of the Aceh peace process, which offers useful lessons for peace implementation elsewhere.

Type: Special Report

Political Progress in Iraq During the Surge

Political Progress in Iraq During the Surge

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rend Al-Rahim Francke concludes that the military surge has bettered the security situation in Baghdad. However, political progress has faltered and not matched these improvements.

Type: Special Report

Employment Generation and Economic Development in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

Employment Generation and Economic Development in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

Thursday, March 1, 2007

It seems logical that improving the lives of those who have suffered from conflict would include a program to generate economic well-being in the immediate period after hostilities subside. Yet livelihood creation, the root of potential economic success and security, has often become a secondary objective in the transformation from war to peace.

Type: Special Report


Personal Transformations: Moving from Violence to Peace

Personal Transformations: Moving from Violence to Peace

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Behavioral scientists have devoted considerable attention to religious extremism and the psychological factors that contribute to an individual’s propensity toward violence. However, relatively little data are available on those who abandon extremism and become proponents of conciliation and peace. Dr. Renee Garfinkel offers a number of tentative conclusions about individuals she has interviewed who have made this transition.

Type: Special Report

Some Assembly Required: Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Some Assembly Required: Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Thursday, November 1, 2007

While Sudan has recently reached a Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) between the northern and southern regions, tensions still smolder. As commonoly said, "The devil is in the details," in implementation of the accord. To identify lessons learned from the negotiation of the agreement from 2002 to 2005 and its implementation since then, USIP conducted a project, the conclusions of which are discussed in this special report.

Type: Special Report

Burma's Long Road to Democracy

Burma's Long Road to Democracy

Thursday, November 1, 2007

In this Special Report, the author establishes the historical context for the recent Saffron Revolution in Burma, explains the persistence of military rule, and speculates on the country’s prospects for political transition to democracy.

Type: Special Report

Haiti: Hope for the Future

Haiti: Hope for the Future

Friday, June 1, 2007

Over the past year, Haiti has witnessed the democratic election of a new parliament, the return of relative security, and the first hints of economic recovery. Still, massive problems remain to challenge Haiti and Haiti’s primary international partner, the United States.

Type: Special Report

Developing Media in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

Developing Media in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations

Monday, October 1, 2007

In war-torn societies, the development of independent, pluralistic, and sustainable media is critical to fostering long-term peace and stability. This report outlines a series of steps for generating a strategy for media development in post-conflict zones.

Type: Special Report