Ambassador Makila James on Nigeria’s Elections

Ambassador Makila James on Nigeria’s Elections

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

While Nigeria’s elections energized youth voters and avoided widespread violence, President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu won only a plurality of votes. As concerns over the results’ legitimacy mount, “a weak mandate means [Tinubu] is going to have to work very smartly to build coalitions,” says USIP’s Makila James.

Type: Podcast

Rethinking US-Pakistan Relations in the Age of Great Power Competition

Rethinking US-Pakistan Relations in the Age of Great Power Competition

Friday, March 10, 2023

As the United States and Pakistan approach 75 years of bilateral engagement, the relationship between the two countries is at a critical crossroads. While viewing the US-Pakistan relationship exclusively through the security lens seems to be untenable, the road ahead, in the broader context of the Afghanistan withdrawal and great power competition, remains murky. Nevertheless, there exists a willingness on both sides to avoid the lows of the 1990s even if the highs of the 1980s or 2000s are not possible.

Type: Discussion Paper

Mona Yacoubian on the Assad Regime’s Hold in Syria

Mona Yacoubian on the Assad Regime’s Hold in Syria

Monday, March 13, 2023

After 12 years of extraordinary brutality and humanitarian suffering, the Assad regime remains entrenched in Syria. With no solution in sight, there is regional momentum toward normalization as countries have “made the calculation that he’s here at least for the foreseeable future,” says USIP’s Mona Yacoubian.

Type: Podcast

China’s Media Propaganda in Africa: A Strategic Assessment

China’s Media Propaganda in Africa: A Strategic Assessment

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Over the last decade, partnerships with developing countries have become central to China’s geostrategic objectives. In Africa specifically, China has made significant investments to secure favorable media coverage to promote a positive view of China, to counter the influence of the United States, and to assert and normalize China’s territorial claims over Taiwan, the South China Sea, and other contested areas. This report examines China’s investments in Africa’s media sector, assesses their effect, and makes recommendations for how the United States can respond to China’s influence campaigns.

Type: Special Report

Global Policy

Keith Mines on Securing Haiti’s Political Future

Keith Mines on Securing Haiti’s Political Future

Monday, March 20, 2023

President Biden recently asked Canada to lead a security force to stabilize Haiti. While neither side “wants to do this as something that just props up the [interim] government,” a lack of action “doesn’t mean 11 million people go away. It just means we’re not paying attention,” says USIP’s Keith Mines.

Type: Podcast

Global Policy

A Threshold Alliance: The China-Pakistan Military Relationship

A Threshold Alliance: The China-Pakistan Military Relationship

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Geopolitical shifts in South Asia over the past decade, driven by sharper US-China competition, a precipitous decline in China-India relations, and the 2021 withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, have pushed the Chinese and Pakistani militaries closer together. The countries’ armies and navies are increasingly sharing equipment, engaging in more sophisticated joint exercises, and interacting more closely through staff and officer exchanges. Yet, as this report concludes, a full China-Pakistan alliance is not inevitable, as Chinese missteps and other sources of friction could slow its consummation.

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Andrew Cheatham on the 2023 Summit for Democracy

Andrew Cheatham on the 2023 Summit for Democracy

Monday, March 27, 2023

As leaders gather for the Biden administration’s second democracy summit later this week, the president is working to “really push back on China’s offer” of narrow economic partnerships by “trying to make the case that you need the principles of democracy to have a good economy,” says USIP’s Andrew Cheatham.

Type: Podcast

Examining Conflict Dynamics in Papua New Guinea

Examining Conflict Dynamics in Papua New Guinea

Monday, March 27, 2023

In 2022, Papua New Guinea was designated as one of five priority countries or regions under the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability. USIP assembled a study group of senior officials and scholars to provide input on the guiding principles for a strategy to support US efforts to increase stability in the country.

Type: Discussion Paper

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Violent Extremism and Community Policing in Tanzania

Violent Extremism and Community Policing in Tanzania

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

After the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi and the increasing presence of al-Shabaab in nearby countries, Tanzania turned to community policing as a way of responding to the threat of violent extremism. But is it having the desired outcome? This new report, based on workshops and interviews with police, community leaders, and others, examines the challenges and potential of community policing in addressing Tanzania’s public safety and security concerns.

Type: Special Report

Violent Extremism

The Fatemiyoun Army: Reintegration into Afghan Society

The Fatemiyoun Army: Reintegration into Afghan Society

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Since 2013, as many as 50,000 Afghans have fought in Syria as part of the Fatemiyoun, a pro-Assad force organized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps. Based on field interviews with former fighters and their families, this Special Report examines the motivations of members of the Afghan Shia Hazara communities who joined the Fatemiyoun as well as the economic and political challenges of reintegrating them into Afghan society.

Type: Special Report

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & Resilience