This micro-course explores the history and dynamics of nonviolent movements. It presents the categories of specific methods of nonviolent action and some of the key theories that inform civil resistance strategies and campaigns.

Liberian women rally against their country’s civil war, a campaign documented by the film “Pray the Devil Back to Hell.” (Pewee Flomoku)
Liberian women rally against their country’s civil war, a campaign documented by the film “Pray the Devil Back to Hell.” (Pewee Flomoku)

Course Overview

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of nonviolent action.
  • Elaborate on how and why nonviolent action is such an effective approach in bringing about political, economic, and social change.
  • Define nonviolent civil resistance and how is it distinct from other forms of social and political action.
  • Identify the principles and theories of power to inform the practice of nonviolent action.
  • Connect the theories and principles of nonviolent action to its practical application.


Section 1 - Introduction

Introduces the importance of nonviolent action through real-world stories and asks the learner to reflect on their prior knowledge.


Section 2 - Pillars

Defines nonviolent action as well as its basic historical foundations and principles.

Section 3 - Tools

Introduces the primary tools and methods of nonviolent action.

Section 4 - Application

Explores how the tools discussed in the previous chapter are applied in real-life nonviolent action campaigns. Learners will then get the opportunity to complete a scenario that allows them to assess a nonviolent action campaign.

Section 5 - Conclusion

Provides a space for self-reflection and tests retention while earning a certificate.

Featured Scenario: Protests in Quisada

The students declared a non-violent movement, and began by protesting in front of government buildings and a month later also started staging sit-ins in the midst of critical city intersections. This nonviolent movement is in danger of fading away without achieving its goals. Utilizing the knowledge gained throughout this course, you will determine how to best address this situation. In this course we present a scenario in which you can apply the theories and concepts covered in this course to a fictional situation. A scenario is comprised of situation examples and you are asked to determine the best solution to each situation.

Instructors and Guest Experts


Guest Experts

  • Erica Chenoweth, Associate Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver
  • John Lewis, former U.S. Congressman, Georgia

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