Twelve years after a cease-fire, positions on both sides of the conflict continue to harden, and questions arise about the way forward.

  • Is time running out for a peace agreement?
  • What are the prerequisites for moving negotiations forward to build a peaceful settlement? What can the United States do to accelerate progress on a settlement?
  • How can the concerns of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians and Azeris displaced by the conflict be addressed?
  • What lessons can be drawn from other situations, such as Transdnistria, Abkhazia, or Kosovo?


  • Ashot Ghulian
    Nagorno Karabakh Parliament Speaker
  • Georgi Petrosian
    Nagorno Karabakh Foreign Minister
  • Daniel Serwer, Moderator
    U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Cory Welt, Moderator
    Deputy Director and Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Program, the Center for Strategic and International Studies

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