Northern Ireland’s Lessons for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Northern Ireland’s Lessons for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Date: Monday, March 13, 2017 / Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm 

When Northern Ireland’s combatants finally made peace in the 1990s, they did so on a broad foundation of grassroots reconciliation and economic development work, built over more than a decade by the International Fund for Ireland. On March 13, the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Embassy of Ireland gathered former government officials, peacebuilding practitioners and scholars to examine what worked in advancing peace in Northern Ireland—and what lessons might be applied to the difficult process of peacemaking and peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians. Former Senator George Mitchell, who served as an envoy in both peace processes, was the keynote speaker.

Peace ProcessesDemocracy & GovernanceMediation, Negotiation & DialogueReconciliation

Building the Programs That Can Better Build the Peace

Building the Programs That Can Better Build the Peace

Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 / Time: 9:30am - 11:00am 

In countries worldwide, governmental and private agencies run programs to prevent violent conflicts and reduce their causes—notably broad social injustices, corruption and human rights abuses. But how effective are these programs? On March 7, a consortium of peacebuilding organizations presented improved ways to measure and maximize the impact of programs to prevent violence, stabilize conflict zones and build peace and security abroad.

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueConflict Analysis & PreventionEducation & TrainingGlobal Policy

When Women in War Aren’t Victims: A Security Blindspot

When Women in War Aren’t Victims: A Security Blindspot

Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 / Time: 10:00am - 11:30am 

The prototype of a woman in a war zone is still dominated by the image of a passive victims or, more recently at least, that of an activist working for peace and equal rights. Rarely do researchers and assistance efforts consider the unique role and impact of women agents of violence—combatants, spies, supporters. On March 1, the U.S. Institute of Peace held an event looking at examples from World War II, the Soviet-Afghan War and jihadi organizations to examine this blind spot in our analysis of war—and how it hampers our responses.

GenderViolent ExtremismJustice, Security & Rule of Law

U.N. Human Rights Chief on His ‘Impossible Diplomacy’

U.N. Human Rights Chief on His ‘Impossible Diplomacy’

Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 / Time: 11:30am - 4:30pm 

Georgetown University's annual Trainor Award and Lecture recognizes excellence in the conduct of diplomacy. It has been awarded to senior American diplomats and distinguished public servants from around the world.  On Feb. 16, the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted Amb. Zeid as he received the annual Trainor Award from Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. Amb. Zeid spoke on “The Impossible Diplomacy of Human Rights.”

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueGlobal PolicyHuman Rights

Pakistani Minister on China’s Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Pakistani Minister on China’s Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Date: Friday, February 3, 2017 / Time: 10:00am - 11:30am 

Pakistan’s minister of planning and economic development, Ahsan Iqbal—the cabinet official overseeing CPEC in his country—discussed this massive project at the U.S. Institute of Peace on February 3. Mr. Iqbal spoke to Pakistan’s outlook on its progress, its potential challenges and its implications for U.S.-Pakistan relations.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionEnvironmentEconomics

Building Inclusive, Stronger Peace Processes: Here’s How

Building Inclusive, Stronger Peace Processes: Here’s How

Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 / Time: 9:30am - 11:00am 

Specialists in peace processes have understood in recent years that a vital element for ending or preventing warfare is inclusion—ensuring that all groups in a society have their voices heard and their critical concerns met. But what are we learning about how to do that, and do it better? On January 31, veterans of peace processes from Nepal to South Sudan to El Salvador to Turkey discussed the lessons offered by their recent experiences. 

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueGenderJustice, Security & Rule of Law