Lebanon at the Crossroads

Lebanon at the Crossroads

Date: Thursday, June 16, 2022 / Time: 10:30am - 11:30am EDT

On June 16, USIP hosted a discussion on whether Lebanon’s 2022 elections can initiate a drive for reforms aimed at Lebanon’s entrenched and corrupt political system — or if the still-fragile country might fall deeper into crisis and political gridlock

Democracy & Governance

Engaging Islamic Civil Society Organizations in Central Asia

Engaging Islamic Civil Society Organizations in Central Asia

Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 / Time: 10:00am - 11:15am EDT

On June 15, USIP, George Washington University’s Central Asia Program and the American University of Central Asia’s Social Innovations Lab Kyrgyzstan held a discussion on the unique role of Muslim civil society organizations in their communities and at the national level during this pivotal and highly fluid period in Central Asia. 

ReligionViolent ExtremismFragility & Resilience

Breaking Away from Economic Dependency in Africa

Breaking Away from Economic Dependency in Africa

Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 / Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

USIP held a conversation on how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change have shifted Africa’s development situation. The discussion also looked at how the international development community can collaborate with the continent so that Africans exit this turbulent period with a newfound capacity for developing their own economic future. 

Democracy & GovernanceFragility & ResilienceEconomics

The Ukraine Conflict and the Crisis of Sexual Violence

The Ukraine Conflict and the Crisis of Sexual Violence

Date: Monday, June 6, 2022 / Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT

On June 6, USIP hosted a conversation with U.N. Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten following her recent visit to Ukraine. During the visit, SRSG Patten signed a framework on cooperation between the government of Ukraine and the United Nations to support conflict-related sexual violence prevention and response efforts.

GenderGlobal PolicyJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Preventing Mass Atrocities in Afghanistan

Preventing Mass Atrocities in Afghanistan

Date: Friday, June 3, 2022 / Time: 9:00am - 10:30am EDT

On June 3, USIP and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide held a discussion with distinguished experts and activists to assess the atrocity risks faced by Hazaras and other vulnerable groups in Afghanistan and the key perpetrators driving the rising threat. The discussion also considered how the risks for atrocities may evolve in the coming months, and what the United States and international community can do to prevent further violence against Afghan civilians.

Human RightsJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Exposing Atrocities in Ukraine

Exposing Atrocities in Ukraine

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 / Time: 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

On June 1, USIP held a discussion with NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd and USIP’s Ambassador William B. Taylor on the role that journalists have played in relation to accountability for atrocities committed during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Human RightsJustice, Security & Rule of Law