Men, Peace, and Security Symposium: Agents of Change

Men, Peace, and Security Symposium: Agents of Change

Start: Monday, October 28, 2013 at 5:00am / End: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 1:00pm

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), The World Bank, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) – North America, Women in International Security (WIIS), Promundo – US, and Sonke Gender Justice co-hosted a symposium titled Men, Peace & Security: Agents of Change at USIP on October 28-30, 2013. This symposium aimed to better understand how the ascribed norms of men and masculine identities contribute to, and may even help mitigate, violent conflict and post-conflict.


Women in the Syrian Crisis

Women in the Syrian Crisis

Date: Friday, September 27, 2013 / Time: 6:00am - 8:00am 

On September 27th, USIP, in coordination with the International Republican Institute’s Women’s Democracy Network and Hivos, hosted a delegation of Syrian women who highlighted women’s roles in the current political context and the challenges they face.


Local Peace Committees and National Peacebuilding

Local Peace Committees and National Peacebuilding

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 / Time: 5:30am - 7:00am 

On September 25, 2013, the U.S. Institute of Peace celebrated the publication of A Crucial Link: Local Peace Committees and National Peacebuilding by Andries Odendaal, former Jennings Randolph senior fellow. The author was joined in discussion by Christopher Mitchell, Jacqueline Wilson, and Virginia Bouvier to discuss community peacebuilding and its relationship to national peace agreements.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Colombia Peace Forum: Pending Issues on the Peace Agenda

Colombia Peace Forum: Pending Issues on the Peace Agenda

Start: Monday, September 23, 2013 at 9:00am / End: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 12:30pm

Former and current USIP peace scholars, senior fellows, grantees, and affiliated experts working on Colombia discuss their research in the context of the agenda of the ongoing peace talks in Colombia.

The United States and R2P: From Words to Action

The United States and R2P: From Words to Action

Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 / Time: 5:00am - 8:30am 

The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) emerged as a political response to an urgent need, while the international community struggled to formulate an adequate response to the conscience-shocking atrocities of the 20th century committed in Rwanda, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention