This event addressed the actual and potential applications of geographic information systems (GIS) in post-conflict rebuilding, focusing on data sources, organizational capabilities, products, challenges and lessons learned in the use of GIS. Speakers described case studies relevant to the resettlement of refugees and displaced persons, elections, land distribution, and resources management in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and El Salvador.

Please note that due to unexpected technical difficulties, a few of the audio files from the Institute's workshop on Geographic Information Systems exhibit poor sound quality. The Institute regrets any inconvenience this may cause. In addition, please note several of the speakers extensively used visual aides throughout their presentations.The views expressed during the workshop do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Institute of Peace, which does not advocate specific policies.



  • Sheryl Brown
    Director, Office of Communications, USIP
    Co-Director of the Virtual Diplomacy Project
    audio Remarks
    (2:51 audio; 1.6 MB download)


Bosnia Forest Assessment: Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Foster Inter-Entity Cooperation in Resources Management

  • Harry Bader
    Professor of Natural Resources Management
    University of Alaska, Fairbanks, currently on leave at Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
    audio Remarks
    (10:40 audio; 6 MB download)
  • Andrew Balser
    Remote Sensing Specialist
    University of Alaska, Fairbanks
    audio Remarks
    (15:01 audio; 8.6 MB download)
    audio Q&A
    (1:10 audio; 953 KB download)

GIS and Election Analysis in Post-Dayton Bosnia

  • Lee R. Schwartz
    Chief of the Division of Global Issues
    Office of the Geographer and Global Issues
    Department of State
    audio Remarks
    (24:03 audio; 13.7 MB download)

GIS and Related Technologies for a Land Distribution Program in El Salvador

  • Julio Segovia
    GIS Specialist, Strategic Development Office
    U.S. Agency for International Development
    U.S. Embassy, San Salvador
    audio Remarks
    (20:39 audio; 11.8 MB download)
    audio Q&A
    (14:44 audio; 8.4 MB download)

Cross-Border Crisis Intervention: The Use of GIS in Kosovo

  • William B. Wood
    Geographer and Director of the Office of the Geographer and Global Issues
    Department of State
    audio Remarks
    (34:56 audio; 19.9 MB download)


  • Carmelle J. Côté
    International Relations/GIS Consultant
    Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) Inc.

Wrap Up:

  • Ted Okada
    Director, Food for the Hungry
    audio Remarks
    (10:12 audio; 7 MB download)

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