Barmak Pazhwak
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Barmak Pazhwak is a senior program officer working on Afghanistan and Central Asia for the United States Institute of Peace. Previously, Pazhwak worked at the United Nations Development Program, where he was the senior international adviser to the minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, government of Afghanistan. Before that, he was director of program development and faculty with Southwestern University and Global College in Tucson, Arizona, where he developed the international development curriculum and taught courses.
Pazhwak has over 30 years of experience in the design and management of peacebuilding, humanitarian relief and socio-economic development programs with nongovernmental organizations, government and the United Nations system in Afghanistan, Central and South Asia and the Great Lakes region of Africa.
Pazhwak received his bachelor’s in economy and management of agriculture from the University of Kabul in Afghanistan, and a master’s with distinction in rural social development from University of Reading in the United Kingdom.