Through a grant to Hijos e Hijas por la Memoria y Contra la Impunidad (Sons and Daughters for Memory and Against Impunity), USIP is strengthening a youth organization dedicated to promoting a peaceful resolution to Colombia's conflict, supporting young people’s desire to serve as leaders for peace in Colombia, and helping to develop the peace-making capacities of the younger generation.

Strengthening the Capacity of Youth to Build Peace in Colombia


Youth in Colombia have lived their entire lives with an internal armed conflict and have never known peace.  Armed groups forcibly recruit youth, and many others willingly join due to lack of alternative employment options.  Conflict continues in many regions of Colombia, and youth are on the front lines.  In 2006, a group of youth whose parents had been assassinated in acts of political violence, formed Hijos e Hijas (Movement of Sons and Daughters for Memory and Against Impunity).  Since then, the organization has grown into a broader youth movement that is committed to contributing to the national discussions on peace, justice, and memory in Colombia. 


Hijos e Hijas is engaged in a pedagogical project to educate themselves about the causes of conflict in Colombia, and to equip themselves to contribute to its peaceful resolution.  It seeks to consolidate itself as a cohesive, democratic organization that will be a strong youth voice for memory, justice and peace in Colombia. With the collaboration of experienced academics and practitioners, Hijos e Hijas is:

  • Assessing the organization's strengths and weaknesses
  • Organizing six regional trainings that will build peace-building capacity among youth outside of Bogotá
  • Planning a national meeting where youth will share the results of the regional trainings and discuss the trajectory of the organization
  • Building its members' collective and individual capacities to contribute to the national debates on peace and justice in Colombia.

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