Breaking through Jordan’s Apathy Barrier?

Breaking through Jordan’s Apathy Barrier?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jordan’s parliamentary elections this week is being met by the country’s citizens with a kind of collective “Why bother?” USIP expert Steven Heydemann, who is in Jordan as an election monitor for the nonprofit International Republican Institute, considers the odds of changing that familiar pattern.

Type: Analysis

Justice, Security & Rule of Law

The Peace Puzzle: Appendices and Resources

The Peace Puzzle: Appendices and Resources

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The last 20 years of American efforts to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict have seen many more failures than successes. The Peace Puzzle offers uniquely objective account of the American role in the post-Cold War era. In writing The Peace Puzzle, the members of USIP's Study Group on Arab-Israeli Peacemaking had broad access to key policymakers and official archives in their research process, making this book one of few that offers a comprehensive history from the Madrid Conference through the...

Type: Book