Elections and Conflict Management in Africa

Elections and Conflict Management in Africa

Saturday, August 1, 1998

Elections have emerged as one of the most important, and most contentious, features of political life on the African continent. In the first half of this decade, there were more than 20 national elections, serving largely as capstones of peace processes or transitions to democracies.

Type: Book

Kosovo: Escaping the Cul-de-Sac

Kosovo: Escaping the Cul-de-Sac

Thursday, July 30, 1998

The United States Institute of Peace hosted a second meeting of its Bosnia Working Group to discuss the unfolding crisis in Kosovo. Participants were asked to provide recommendations for how the negotiating process could achieve a viable and acceptable outcome for all parties to the conflict. In addition, members of the working group were asked to critique the international community's role in attempting to mediate, resolve, and simply contain the conflict.

Type: Special Report

Preventing Genocide in Burundi: Lessons from International Diplomacy

Preventing Genocide in Burundi: Lessons from International Diplomacy

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

Since 1993, interethnic violence between the 15 to 20 percent Tutsi minority and the 80 to 85 percent Hutu majority in Burundi has taken an estimated 150,000 lives.  An examination of the international response to the crisis furnishes valuable lessons for peacemaking in Burundi and other areas of genocidal conflict.

Type: Peaceworks

NGOs and Peacebuilding in Bosnia's Ethnically Divided Cities

NGOs and Peacebuilding in Bosnia's Ethnically Divided Cities

Thursday, June 25, 1998

This report begins with an overview of the political boundaries in many of Bosnia's municipalities that have prevented postconflict reconstruction and reconciliation. The next section describes effective and ineffective strategies among aid donors and humanitarian-relief NGOs operating in these locales, followed by a case study of successful grassroots programs in the city of Gornji Vakuf. The report concludes with recommendations for NGOs and donor organizations.

Type: Special Report

Revolutionary Movements  in Latin America

Revolutionary Movements in Latin America

Monday, June 1, 1998

The author examines the complex interplay among political and economic factors, the nature of the revolutionary organization, and international actors.  The end of the Cold War does not mean the end of revolutionary groups, and that the United States can play an important role in determining the outcome of future confrontations.

Type: Book

Between Impediment and Advantage: Saddam's Iraq

Between Impediment and Advantage: Saddam's Iraq

Monday, June 1, 1998

The report represents work in progress and summarizes the main points made during two public discussions about the nature of domestic politics in Iraq under Saddam.  This analysis provides a useful backdrop to the ongoing conflict with Iraq and is intended to help interested observers understand the significance of Saddam Hussain in Iraqi politics and the forces with which he grapples as he makes decisions about compliance with international demands.

Type: Special Report