 Sarhang Hamasaeed Discusses Recent Events in Kirkuk

Sarhang Hamasaeed Discusses Recent Events in Kirkuk

Friday, October 20, 2017

Sarhang Hamasaeed reviews a tense week in which the Iraqi Army and Kurdish forces clashed in the disputed area of Kirkuk. With ISIS driven out of Kirkuk, renewed tensions dating back to 2014 have re-emerged between the Iraqi Army and Popular Mobilization Forces  Hamasaeed tells us why a political dialogue process is central to protecting minorities, and avoiding Shia and Sunni clashes.

Type: Podcast

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Nancy Lindborg on Negotiations with North Korea

Nancy Lindborg on Negotiations with North Korea

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

USIP President Nancy Lindborg tells us about the challenges presented by North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, and discusses her own experiences travelling to North Korea.

Type: Podcast

Jonas Claes on Liberia and Kenya’s Elections

Jonas Claes on Liberia and Kenya’s Elections

Friday, October 13, 2017

Jonas Claes joins us to talk about Liberia’s election and the significance of the country's first peaceful transfer of power since 1944. Claes also lays out the challenges for the Kenyan election

Type: Podcast

Evolving Sino-Russian Cooperation in Syria

Evolving Sino-Russian Cooperation in Syria

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sino-Russian alignment in support of the Assad government in Syria is driven primarily by the mutual goal of preventing regime change and halting the spread of Islamic extremism. However, because Chinese strategic priorities lie elsewhere and Russia’s tactic of protracting military conflict in Syria contradicts Beijing’s long-term strategic interests, the prospect of future Sino-Russian cooperation in Syria is limited. This Peace Brief examines the forces driving this cooperation as well as its limits.

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismEnvironmentGlobal PolicyEconomics

China’s Approach to International Terrorism

China’s Approach to International Terrorism

Monday, October 2, 2017

As China’s role in global political and economic affairs has expanded, so has its exposure to international and domestic terrorism. At the same time, it is constrained in its response by two long-held principles—nonintervention and noninterference. This Peace Brief discusses the threats to China, its response, and how these might affect its participation in global counterterrorism efforts.

Type: Peace Brief

Violent ExtremismEnvironmentGlobal PolicyEconomics