Grassroots Work in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Grassroots Work in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell, drawing on his experience negotiating the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and trying for an accord between Israelis and Palestinians, said ending violent conflict requires two critical components: committed political leadership and grassroots efforts that build bridges between peoples.

Type: Analysis

ReconciliationPeace Processes

Returning Foreign Fighters and the Reintegration Imperative

Returning Foreign Fighters and the Reintegration Imperative

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

This report aims to help policymakers and practitioners navigate the challenges of developing effective programs to rehabilitate and reintegrate foreign fighters returning from Syria and Iraq into their societies. Ultimately, holistic and comprehensive reintegration efforts designed to transition returnees address not only their needs, but also those of the entire society, and are critical in building more resilient and safer communities.

Type: Special Report

Violent ExtremismJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Myanmar's government -- time for course correction?

Myanmar's government -- time for course correction?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Myanmar at the end of March will mark the first anniversary of the historic ascension to power of the National League for Democracy under its leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Those who experienced the euphoria after the embattled opposition's landslide victory in November 2015 will never forget this unlikely culmination of more than a quarter of a century of struggle -- at the cost of many lives -- for democracy, peace and justice.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceHuman RightsPeace Processes

America’s Role in the World

America’s Role in the World

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

In our testimony, we would like to offer our perspective on the current challenges to the international system, share some insights relevant to this topic from our Middle East Strategy Task Force, and suggest some ways in which Congress might be able to help forge a new bipartisan consensus on American foreign policy.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Cautious Optimism on Burma’s Arduous Path to Peace

Cautious Optimism on Burma’s Arduous Path to Peace

Monday, March 20, 2017

A year after Burma’s pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, took office, her country’s transition from military rule toward democracy and peace has made progress—but continued fighting underscores the need for faster progress, said diplomats, scholars and other analysts who convened at USIP on March 16.

Type: Analysis

Peace ProcessesReligion

Iraqi Prime Minister Says Trump Offers Support

Iraqi Prime Minister Says Trump Offers Support

Monday, March 20, 2017

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking at the U.S. Institute of Peace after his first meeting with President Donald Trump, said the new U.S. administration is “prepared to do more” to fight terrorism than its predecessor, but he cautioned that military force alone won’t defeat ISIS. Abadi said his government is trying to gain the trust of the Iraqi people by reducing abuses by security forces, ensuring that areas recaptured from ISIS are stabilized and making the government more accountable.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceViolent Extremism

Burma is Still on the Rocky Road to Democracy

Burma is Still on the Rocky Road to Democracy

Friday, March 17, 2017

When the iconic democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi won her historic, landslide election in Burma (Myanmar), she was met by soaring expectations, as well as by the formidable challenges of violent conflicts, a stuttering economy and the significant constraints of sharing authority with a still-powerful military.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance

Libya’s Religious Sector and Peacebuilding Efforts (Arabic)

Libya’s Religious Sector and Peacebuilding Efforts (Arabic)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

التقرير الماثل هو عصارة استبيانين أُجْرِيا في ليبيا خلال عامي 2014 و2016. والغاية منه سَبْرُ أغوار القطاع الديني في ليبيا ورصد تأثيره في الحكم والمجتمع. وقد استندت عملية استخلاص نتائج هذا التقرير إلى الجهود البحثية التي أجراها فريق من الباحثين المحليين الخبراء بالشأن الليبي. وترسم هذه النتائج خريطة لأهم التوجهات الدينية والمؤسسات الدينية والجهات الدينية الفاعلة في ليبيا، وترصد منظور الليبيين لمساهمة القطاع الديني في بناء السلام وتعزيز العدالة والديمقراطية.

Type: Peaceworks

ReligionDemocracy & GovernanceJustice, Security & Rule of Law