Ceasefire Violations in Jammu and Kashmir: A Line on Fire

Ceasefire Violations in Jammu and Kashmir: A Line on Fire

Friday, September 15, 2017

Ceasefire violations on the border between Pakistan and India and across the Line of Control in the Jammu and Kashmir region are both a product of broader bilateral tensions and a contributor to them. Drawn on field research and extensive interviews with both Indian and Pakistani officials and senior military figures, this report argues that ceasefire violations are generally not planned, directed, or cleared by higher military commands or political establishments, but are driven by the dynamics on the frontlines. The report explains these factors in context, offering recommendations on what could be done to better manage or even avoid both tensions and escalation of conflict.

Type: Peaceworks

Peace ProcessesMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Two Vital Steps on Burma’s Rohingya Crisis

Two Vital Steps on Burma’s Rohingya Crisis

Friday, September 15, 2017

As thousands more Burmese Rohingya refugees have poured into Bangladesh this week amid new images of their home villages burned, former U.S. Ambassador Derek Mitchell underscores the need for urgent humanitarian assistance, and continued international engagement with the Burmese government to halt the violence in Burma’s western state of Rakhine.

Type: Analysis

Human RightsDemocracy & GovernanceGlobal PolicyFragility & Resilience

From Pariah to Partner: The US Integrated Reform Mission in Burma

From Pariah to Partner: The US Integrated Reform Mission in Burma

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Preserving Stability Amidst Regional Conflagration: US-Jordan 2011-2016

Preserving Stability Amidst Regional Conflagration: US-Jordan 2011-2016

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Breaking Boko Haram and Ramping Up Recovery: US-Lake Chad Region 2013-2016

Breaking Boko Haram and Ramping Up Recovery: US-Lake Chad Region 2013-2016

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Q&A: Sudan, South Sudan Wars--Special Envoy Needed?

Q&A: Sudan, South Sudan Wars--Special Envoy Needed?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

As the war in South Sudan rages on, its dynamics are influenced by events across the border in Sudan and by the policies of neighboring countries, regional groups and the broader international community, notably the U.S. It’s just the kind of situation that cries out for an American diplomat with the stature and the ability to work across borders to help resolve the myriad conflicts underlying the fighting, according to former Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Princeton Lyman and two other former diplomats.

Type: Analysis

Global PolicyMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Ambassador Derek Mitchell on Myanmar

Ambassador Derek Mitchell on Myanmar

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Derek Mitchell talks to us about the current humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, and addresses the international and domestic constituencies that Aung San Suu Kyi must navigate as the crisis continues.

Type: Podcast

Group Cohesion and Peace Processes

Group Cohesion and Peace Processes

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Drawing on a wide range of cases, including Burma, Colombia, Senegal, and Uganda, this Peace Brief discusses the internal cohesion of nonstate armed groups, explains how weak cohesion can undermine a peace process, and offers various strategies that those supporting peace processes can deploy to mitigate such risks.

Type: Peace Brief

Peace Processes

China’s Evolving North Korea Strategy

China’s Evolving North Korea Strategy

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Despite Pyongyang’s recent ballistic missile and nuclear activity and threats, Beijing continues to resist US requests to apply greater economic pressure on North Korea. This measured response aside, nuanced but highly significant changes in China’s thinking on North Korea are clear. China may now be willing to envision both a future in which North Korea is not a sovereign state and a greater role for the Chinese military in any contingency. This Peace Brief reviews this thinking as well as potential Chinese motivations to intervene militarily in a Korea contingency and the implications for US policy.

Type: Peace Brief

Justice, Security & Rule of LawGlobal PolicyConflict Analysis & Prevention